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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 21 <br /> a. Approve Payments <br /> Etten moved, Groff seconded, approval of the following claims and payments as <br /> presented and detailed. <br /> ACH Payments $785,316.23 <br /> 92404-91473 899032.15 <br /> TOTAL $1,684,348.38 <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Groff, Etten, Laliberte and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> b. Annual Police Forfeiture Accounts Summary <br /> Etten moved, Groff seconded, receipt of summary memorandums on forfeiture <br /> accounts. <br /> Mayor Roe stated other communities do actually have their forfeiture funds more <br /> specifically documented as funds and budgeted each year. He suggested as the <br /> Council does their budget discussion, to think about whether the Council wants to <br /> add those funds into the discussion. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Groff, Etten, Laliberte and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 10. Council& City Manager Communications, Reports, and Announcements <br /> Mayor Roe received a letter from a State Representative asking for his support specifical- <br /> ly but he thought of it in terms of the Council support, for legislation which would create <br /> a two percent set aside in the entire LGA appropriation that would be distributed through <br /> some second formula to cities that would not otherwise qualify under the main formula. <br /> Under that proposed legislation, the City of Roseville would at least in theory get <br /> $200,000 based on the calculations by the research people. He wondered if the Council <br /> wanted a future meeting agenda item to consider some sort of Council support for this <br /> legislation. <br /> Council direction was to bring this back for Council consideration to a future meeting. <br /> 11. Councilmember-Initiated Items for Future Meetings <br /> a. Seek Direction on Scheduling a Future Council Discussion Regarding Snow <br /> Placement Ordinance on Private Property <br /> Mayor Roe stated it was brought up at a previous meeting to discuss whether or <br /> not to add a set of snow removal standards to the nuisance code and direct staff <br /> to bring forward an agenda item in the future for that discussion. <br />