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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated during this winter season, she saw a lot of unsafe <br /> conditions for pedestrians, noting the design standards in place is to build forward <br /> with parking in the rear and those kinds of things. But where the new building is, <br /> the Domino's and laundry, she saw a lot of scary things this winter. She thought <br /> safety has got to be considered as well. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought building forward was in the design standards <br /> and maybe something the Council wants to look at and tweak, but this is the rea- <br /> son why the decision was to go that way in order to get rid of the sea of asphalt. <br /> He thought this may a future conversation. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the building forward has a calming effect as well, noting there <br /> are pluses and minuses with that. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment, with no one coming for- <br /> ward. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Ms. O'Brien for the presentation and noted the first interim <br /> alliance meeting will be Monday, March 25, 2019. <br /> b. Discussion on Establishing a Cash Reserve Fund and Related Financial Sus- <br /> tainability Impacts <br /> Finance Director Miller briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA and <br /> related attachments dated March 18, 2019. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if one possible action the City Council could establish a cash <br /> carry forward fund and sweep the $885 into that and then from there, apply some <br /> sort of funds to the general fund to take care of the issue with that fund. <br /> Mr. Miller indicated the City Council could do that. <br /> Mayor Roe stated in the chart that shows "amount above high target," is the <br /> amount in each of the funds above the high end of the range listed in the upper <br /> chart for each of the funds so in actuality, in theory, if the City Council wanted to <br /> maintain a fund balance in any of those funds that was somewhere between the <br /> high and the low, setting aside from the notion of a cash carry forward that <br /> sweeps only things in excess of the high target, the City does have some funds to <br /> theoretically work with, between the high and low target, in some of those funds. <br /> Mr. Miller stated the working definition was "Anything above the high target lev- <br /> el". <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he was not saying that is something where the Council <br /> wants to use those funds to help the issue with the General Fund or whatever, but <br /> at least it may make the Council feel better about the condition of those funds and <br />