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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought the County was a really big piece of this as it <br /> includes a lot of the improvements such as green spaces, changes in turn lanes, <br /> etc., and since nothing happens without the County being on board. She noted the <br /> County's Public Works Department might have other intentions to move more <br /> traffic through there and the County's priorities might not be what the Alliance <br /> has set out as priorities in this plan. She thought the County is really important as <br /> well as the landowners. She thought this was a very nice package and the packag- <br /> ing, planning, communicating, and engagement is excellent but without those <br /> pieces, implementation doesn't happen. Then it is only a great vision for it. She <br /> appreciated the smaller quick projects suggested in Phase One and Two and that it <br /> will be interesting to learn more about what those are, where are those projects <br /> going to happen, and who needs to be a part of making those projects happen so <br /> the projects come to fruition. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated Ms. O'Brien mentioned in her presentation about <br /> the Alliance developing design guidelines and that is really interesting to her as <br /> well because then each of the cities need to adopt design guidelines for the corri- <br /> dor that match the design guidelines on the other corner. She thought the Alliance <br /> needed to think about how that works too because the building and design guide- <br /> lines really need to be set. <br /> Ms. O'Brien stated her limited knowledge on design guidelines, based on other <br /> projects she has worked with, is there are multiple ways to institute them. The <br /> design guidelines can be adopted into Code, but the guidelines don't necessarily <br /> need to be adopted either. The guidelines can be offered to the development part- <br /> ners as a guidance and are often effective as well. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated he has been interested in that corner of Roseville for <br /> quite some time, especially working on the transportation issue there. He wanted <br /> to stress the need for housing for a range of people because the City has had situa- <br /> tions where people have not been able to get to their jobs from that corner of Ro- <br /> seville and if working a minimum wage job, the resident cannot get from that area <br /> to where the jobs are in Roseville. He stated if there is anything that can happen <br /> with that in the Chamber's work, he would appreciate it. <br /> Mayor Roe stated in terms of the County, both Mr. Trudgeon and he have been <br /> lobbying either the elected or appointed officials at the County. The Chamber has <br /> been party to some of that as well. He thought the Alliance had gotten a com- <br /> mitment from the three County Commissioners to band together. He also thought <br /> the designated staff person is the new Economic Development or Community De- <br /> velopment type person who will be participating. He noted there has definitely <br /> been County participation through the process of getting to this point. He noted <br /> in regard to the property owners, there have been inquiries and some of the pro- <br /> cesses are underway and that reassures him that this will work. <br />