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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Councilmember Groff stated as he was reading through the information it was <br /> noted MNLARS would perhaps reimburse some of those funds and he wondered <br /> if there was an update on where that is at. <br /> Mr. Miller stated a couple of bills have been introduced and moved through some <br /> committees but that is as far as those bills have gotten at this point. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought because this could affect the City credit rating, it <br /> was crucial to get this addressed tonight. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Finance Commissioner Chair Schroeder and Commissioners Murray and Reif ap- <br /> peared before the Council. <br /> Chair Schroeder believed the City Council had the history of the Finance Com- <br /> mission minutes as the Commission has have been working on this for approxi- <br /> mately eighteen months. She believed the issue with the General Fund being be- <br /> low target reserve is actually a reason to create this fund. With the planned deficit <br /> in the budget the Finance Commission knew that the General Fund could go be- <br /> low the target. Some of the other funds were over target and those funds, if there <br /> was a cash carry forward, would flow into the cash carry over and then the Coun- <br /> cil would need to move the correction to the General Fund to fix it. This would <br /> be very straight forward. <br /> Chair Schroeder stated the Finance Commission has recommended removing the <br /> Capital from the Operating portion of each of these funds as well as the cash ac- <br /> cumulated over the years for the long-term projects in the departments. When <br /> looking at the overages in some of the different funds, it makes a person ask why <br /> money is being stockpiled. Most of the reasons are verbal and not transparent. <br /> This would eliminate the need to have cash build up in each department making it <br /> easier to see the true over and under of the operating budget itself. <br /> Chair Schroeder stated when the Finance Commission was created, better trans- <br /> parency was one of the concerns the Council gave to the Commission. <br /> Chair Schroeder stated the departments would still be accountable for their budg- <br /> ets and CIP with this. This is one City and the cash flow needs to be viewed that <br /> way. If each department planned their own budget and CIP, then there is no need <br /> to stockpile the cash for future projects, as it would be covered in the process. <br /> The detail by department would be more transparent, would still be tracked, and <br /> would not lose the detail by department but would actually gain more because it <br />