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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> would be documented. The cash carry forward fund makes it simpler for the <br /> Council to see the total results for the City and the Council gets to decide, if any- <br /> thing, with the funds. Just because the money is in the fund does not mean it ac- <br /> tually has to be spent. <br /> Commissioner Reif stated in the year that he has been on the Commission there <br /> have been numerous discussions on a Cash Reserve Fund. He would basically <br /> echo Chair Schroeder's comments that if the sweep is done into a General Cash <br /> Reserve Fund, it makes it that much more visible to the Council. It makes it easier <br /> for the Council to see the totality the City has and can be divided up if necessary <br /> where needs are elsewhere within the City. <br /> Commissioner Murray agreed with the other Commissioners and noted this was a <br /> unanimous decision of the Finance Commission that was carefully worked out. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked the Commission for their persistence in this <br /> and for all of the work that was done. <br /> No one else came forward. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the City Council has the decision to make if the Cash Carry <br /> Forward Account should be created with the excess funds being swept into that <br /> account and also how to deal with the deficit in the General Fund below the min- <br /> imum target. He asked if the Council wanted to prime the pump to make sure the <br /> $340,000 of intended deficit spending from the General Fund in 2019 is being ac- <br /> counted for. <br /> Councilmember Etten believed the numbers in today's RCA to separate out the <br /> CIP will helps show the City Council what is actually going on with the funds and <br /> to see the CIP funds more clearly. He thought that was a very good process. An- <br /> other thing is that sometimes departments might need to put some money away <br /> for certain things and some of it is Capital. He wondered if that has been pulled <br /> out from the information. <br /> Mr. Miller stated that has not. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if there has been any discussion around the same lev- <br /> els of transparency with some of the departments that are within the General Fund <br /> itself. <br /> Mr. Miller asked if Councilmember Etten meant to further segregate the cash be- <br /> ing held in the General Fund. <br />