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5. Adopt development policies for large format developments, such as a scorecard approval process, <br />tax productivity thresholds, size caps, bans, required decommissioning of vacant property. <br /> <br />10. Design for Natural Resource Conservation <br />Optional BP <br />1. Conduct a Natural Resource Inventory or Assessment or ; incorporate protection of <br />If implementing this BP, complete <br />priority natural systems or resources such as groundwater through the subdivision or development <br />at least ONE action. <br />process. <br />2. For cities outside or on the fringe of metropolitan areas, conduct a build -out analysis, tiscal impact <br />study, or adopt an urban growth boundary and a consistent capital improvement plan that provides <br />long-term protection of natural resources and natural systems, and agricultural practices outside the <br />boundary. <br />3. For cities within metropolitan areas, incorporate woodland best management practices addressing <br />protection of wooded areas into zoning or development review. <br />4. Adopt a conservation design policy and use a conservation design tool in negotiating development <br />agreements in cities with undeveloped natural resource areas. <br />5. Develop/fund a conservation easement program, such as a purchase of development rights <br />program, in collaboration with a land trust. <br />6. Conserve natural, cultural, historic resources by adopting or amending city codes and ordinances <br />to support sustainable sites, including roadsides, and environmentally protective land use <br />development. <br />7. Be recognized under the Bird City Minnesota or Community Wildlife Habitat program. <br /> I. cfm?bpid= <br />Transportation Category: BPs 11- 14 <br />BP #11 and BP #12 required <br />11. Living Streets <br />Required BP <br />1. Adopt a complete streets policy or a living streets policy, which addresses landscaping and <br />stormwater. <br />Complete action (1), and ... <br />2. Adopt zoning language or approve a development project that follows green street and/or <br />walkable streets principles. <br />... complete TWO additional <br />3. Modify a street in compliance with the city's complete streets policy. <br />4. Identify, prioritize and remedy complete streets gaps and lack of connectivity/safety within your <br />road network by, for example, adding a bike route/lane, truck route, sidewalk or mid -block alley. <br />actions. <br />5. Identify and remedy street -trail gaps between city streets and off -road trails/bike trails to better <br />facilitate walking and biking. <br />6. Implement traffic calming policy/measures, including road diets, roundabouts, shared space and <br />depaving, in at least one street redevelopment project. <br />http: //greenste p. pca. sta te. m n. us/bestPractices Deta i I. cfm?bpid=ll <br />12. Mobility Options <br />Required BP <br />1. Increase walking, biking and transit use by one or more of the following means: <br />Complete at least TWO actions. <br />a. Produce/distribute route maps, signage or a web site. <br />b. Document increased bike facilities, such as racks, bike stations or showers. <br />