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c. Add bus infrastructure, such as signage, benches, shelters, park and ride lots, and real-time <br />arrival data -streaming. <br />d. Increase the number of employers promoting multiple commuting options, including <br />offering qualified transportation fringe benefits instead of only a tax-free parking fringe benefit. <br />e. Be recognized as a Walk Friendly or Bicycle Friendly Community. <br />2. Conduct an Active Living campaign such as a Safe Routes to School program. <br />3. Prominently identify mobility options: transit; paratransit/Dial-A-Ride; ridesharing/cab services; <br />rental cars; bikes. <br />4. Promote carpooling or ridesharing among community members, city employees, businesses, high <br />schools and institutions of higher education. <br />5. Launch telework/flexwork efforts in city government, businesses or at a local health care provider. <br />6. Add/expand transit service, or promote car/bike sharing. <br />7. Implement multimodal transportation best management practices in the workplace for city <br />employees. <br />http:Lgreenste p. pca. sta te. m n. us/bestPractices Deta i I. cfm?bpid=12 <br />13. Efficient City Fleets <br />Optional BP <br />1. Efficiently use your existing fleet of cityvehicles by encouraging trip bundling, video conferencing, <br />carpooling, vehicle sharing and incentives/technology. <br />2.Right-size down -size the city fleet with the most fuel -efficient vehicles that are of an optimal size <br />and capacity for their intended functions. <br />3. Phase -in no -idling practices, operational and fuel changes, and equipment changes including <br />electric vehicles, for city or local transit fleets. <br />If implementing this BP, complete <br />at least TWO actions. <br />4. Phase in bike, foot or horseback modes for police, inspectors and other city staff. <br />5. Document that the local school us fleet has optimized routes, start times, boundaries, vehicle <br />efficiency and fuels, driver actions to cut costs including idling reduction, and shifting students from <br />the bus to walking, biking and city transit. <br />6. Retrofit city diesel engines or install auxiliary power units and/or electrified parking spaces, <br />utilizing Project GreenFleet or the like. <br /> I. cfm?bpid=l3 <br />14. Demand -Side Travel Planning <br />Optional BP <br />1. Reduce or eliminate parking minimums and/or add parking maximums. <br />2. For cities with regular transit service, require or provide incentives for the siting of retail services <br />at transit/density nodes. <br />If implementing this BP, complete <br />3. For cities with regular transit service, require or provide incentives for the siting of higher density <br />housing at transit/density nodes. <br />at least TWO actions. <br />4. Adopt a travel demand management plan for city employees or incorporate into development <br />regulations TDM or transit -oriented development standards or LEED for Neighborhood Development <br />certification. <br /> I. cfm?bpid= <br />Environmental Management Category: BPs 15 - 23 <br />BP #15, BP #16, BP #17 and ONE <br />other BP required <br />