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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 8,2019 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Council would want to vet along the process of approving or not approving par- <br /> ticular redevelopments on that property. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if there could be an impact to the City if, for some <br /> reason, Verizon is not able to utilize that facility as intended. Is there anything in <br /> this that would provide them the ability to, in effect, penalize or make a claim for <br /> damages. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan thought the remedy would be to terminate the lease and <br /> move somewhere else. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated he was inclined to move forward with this but <br /> thought in the future as staff looks at these, instead of adding amendments upon <br /> amendments to the original agreement he thought at some point a whole new <br /> lease should be developed so there are not a lot of things that are not germane <br /> hanging out there because he thought those items raised questions. <br /> Councilmember Groff asked if the City stops leasing to Verizon, what happens to <br /> any things that have been installed on that tower. <br /> Mr. Miller stated Verizon would have to remove it and if Verizon does not re- <br /> move it, then the City would remove it. The agreement specifies that when the <br /> agreement would be terminated, then Verizon would have to remove their equip- <br /> ment. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan stated page eight of the original agreement does describe <br /> what happens at the termination of the lease for any reason. Verizon has ninety <br /> days to remove their property at their own expense and if Verizon does not re- <br /> move it within ninety days, then the City can remove the equipment. <br /> Etten moved, Willmus seconded, approving the Amendment to the Lease Agree- <br /> ment with Verizon Wireless subject to final approval by the City Attorney. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated in the course of the next thirty years, the City <br /> may need to do some maintenance of the tower. She asked if there is added cost <br /> to the City's maintenance projects that the City has to pay because of those facili- <br /> ties being there. <br /> Mr. Miller stated Verizon removes their equipment and will put it on a temporary <br /> pole at their cost, just like when the water tower was painted a couple of years <br /> ago. <br /> Council Discussion <br />