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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 8, 2019 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Groff, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None <br /> f. Review and Discuss Pending Future Agenda Items <br /> City Manager Patrick Trudgeon briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the <br /> RCA and related attachments dated April 8, 2019. <br /> Mayor Roe stated at least a couple of the items on the list might be zoning text <br /> amendment type of things and the Council will be doing a major update of the <br /> Zoning Code once the Comprehensive Plan is adopted. He thought it might make <br /> sense to make sure those items are incorporated in the discussions. That would be <br /> specific to the Green Space Requirements and the Solar Energy Systems Screen- <br /> ing. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed that it made sense to wrap those items into a broader <br /> discussion of the Zoning Code instead of doing piecemeal of a couple items. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if the Council should include residential lot sizes <br /> in there as well. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that can be added as well. He stated the developer open house <br /> about different opportunities in the City and Councilmember Laliberte is really in- <br /> terested in that. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated she is still very interested in that but thought that <br /> might be an EDA discussion. This makes her think about other open houses and <br /> the Citizen's Academy and all of the changes the City has made that have hap- <br /> pened over the course of time and changes in Commissions. She thought in gen- <br /> eral, opening up the doors of the City and educating, whether it is a developer or <br /> citizens, as to how different parts of the City function is worthy of Council dis- <br /> cussion at some point or a proposal from the City Manager. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated in regard to the developer open house; He and Community <br /> Development Director Gundlach were talking about this item and perhaps one <br /> way to approach it is to invite brokers and developers to EDA meetings where the <br /> organizations can share their updates about what is happening in the market and <br /> Roseville. It is also an opportunity for the EDA/City Council to provide some <br /> feedback, ask questions, and learn more about each other. He stated it is not an <br /> open house,but information is being shared with understanding on both sides. <br />