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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/24/2019 9:25:49 AM
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4/24/2019 9:25:46 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 8,2019 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Ms. Olson stated the Commission is beginning that work. There have been some <br /> interactions with people from the Hispanic community but she did not know to <br /> what extent that is and did not think any planning has been done yet, that will gear <br /> up in the next two months or so. The Commission will bring back some infor- <br /> mation for the Council to consider. <br /> Councilmember Groff noticed the Commission recommended reviewing the proc- <br /> lamations every three to five years and he thought that was an important piece of <br /> information because things change. He thought that was a good idea. He thought <br /> the proclamations are spot on and as things change in society, it is nice for them <br /> to be recognized in the City and reminded that those individuals are welcome in <br /> Roseville as well. He noted he appreciated the work. <br /> Chair Beltmann from the HRIEC arrived at the meeting and stated the Commis- <br /> sion is feeling really good as to where the proclamations are and hope the Council <br /> will approve the remaining proclamations. The Commission felt the events in <br /> January went well and felt good to be able to highlight the proclamation and tie it <br /> to the events and the display case work. Beltmann feels like it is a nice opportuni- <br /> ty for the HRIEC to highlight the proclamations. She stated there is a spot in the <br /> parade in June and suggested this is an opportunity to highlight June as LGBTQ <br /> month. <br /> Councilmember Etten appreciated the detailed process laid out that lets the Coun- <br /> cil know where things are at. He also appreciated the work done on the proclama- <br /> tions themselves. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked the Commission for doing all of the work on <br /> these. She thought some of the proclamations have really good information about <br /> who the HRIEC reached out to and if there was a response or not. She noted a <br /> few of the proclamations did not indicate who the discussion was with such, as <br /> the Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. She was not sure if discussions <br /> took place with an organization or individuals. She thought some of that type of <br /> information would be helpful going forward. She thought it was also helpful for <br /> Ms. Olson to walk through the changes but if the changes could be included in the <br /> table for the public to see what changed, that would be helpful as well. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated he did go to the January event and was very im- <br /> pressed with the presentation and attendance and being able to let the people <br /> know about other programming going on. <br /> Mayor Roe stated on the first proclamation for Asian and Pacific Islander Herit- <br /> age Month, keeping the word "and" between Asian and Pacific Islander makes a <br /> little more sense because it is two separate places where the people are from and <br /> if there is a hash mark between them, it starts to blend together. He was also cu- <br /> rious in that proclamation in the Whereas where it states "The end of the Vietnam <br />
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