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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/9/2019 11:01:32 AM
Creation date
5/9/2019 11:01:12 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Mr. Culver thought through some communication to the commercial users it could <br />be suggested to install an irrigation meter to lower their sewer bill. <br />Member Joyce asked how the City can ensure that the residential billing is applied <br />to commercial residents through the landlord and ensure the resident is actually <br />seeing the reduction in the water cost. He noted the City could lower the rate but <br />no guarantee the landlord will lower the rent. He stated what the City is trying to <br />get to is smart water use so what is the incentive. <br />Member Misra stated if the City were to look at a tiered service on the commercial <br />side, is there a logical cut off point because she thought there was for residential. <br />Mr. Culver stated one recommendation that is on the table is establishing a new tier <br />at 50,000 gallons for the residential. He did not know if a dollar amount was <br />defined but at least looking at that and establishing a new higher tier at that level so <br />on the commercial side did the Commission want to do something similar. He did <br />not think it was as clear on the commercial side going from Winter to Summer. <br />Mr. Freihammer stated on the commercial side the one downfall he sees is the <br />difference in commercial users. Every single-family resident is very similar to most <br />others. <br />Member Misra thought the City would really want to incentivize conservation for <br />the commercial users and cost seems to be the best way to do that. <br />Member Joyce asked what kind of bills the users were seeing because he thought <br />the businesses were conscious of the water use by what is being paid. <br />Mr. Freihammer stated it is a very large bill for the significant commercial users. <br />Mr. Culver indicated the businesses base fee is significantly higher with a larger <br />meter and service coming in along with all of the consumption. <br />Member Misra did not think it seemed that significant to her if the user is using 300 <br />thousand gallons at $3.00 for a thousand gallons. <br />Mr. Culver reviewed the Commercial Water Rate Analysis graph with the <br />Commission. <br />Member Kruse asked what would happen with the large users if their costs were <br />plotted in each city in the Metro, would the costs be similar even though the <br />structures are different. <br />Mr. Culver stated that is an interesting thing and would be more variability in those <br />costs than the Commission thought. He stated there are other factors to consider as <br />well besides water use. <br />Page 10 of 13 <br />
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