<br />69
<br />
<br />¡,,:ectint;, T"lesda,¡r , JU:12 21st, 19L9 at 2 'P. :,j.
<br />
<br />-_________ ________._ ___ ,....__.._ ------______0,.- _~___
<br />
<br />The Villéa.iS8 Cou::c:'l 'net on the::.bJ'I8 r.1è'_:3 with the followir.¡; :'¡e¡:¡:8~~S pre2E;~,t:
<br />::luellc:" Pothen 2_"'lè ;"fembrez (3 ) Ha.:"1JDers:.en and Carlson were :ibsG:1t. -:;':-3o,"lk Leinen :mè
<br />Karon,attorney were also ;:':'JoScnt.
<br />
<br />Tte Clerk road the winu'tes ,)f ~:J.e meotil¡b <J~ June 7th,1949.~ueller ¡,1oveè,sec.
<br />b,y PothC!l thâ.t they b!;.;èl,:~p.pted as nad.Roll CaJ.l:Aye:2(J),Nays-(O).
<br />
<br />Th:;; vacation of Aldine Place in Ridge~ro0d Addi "tioD on whiÒ Public Hearing
<br />was started 1,;a:/ 3rd was contÜme(i. :.lr.Helson,attorney for the petitioners and
<br />John Christopherson, attorney for the opposition were ¡:rcsent.After some èiscussion
<br />Me;nbrez moved, seconded by Mueller to conti:ll1e Public Hearing until August 23rd, at
<br />2 0' clo\.-..,: P.M. at the Village Hall to allo¡v time tc .r.akø a further study enxø~
<br />mue on the overall planning of the entire area as to stre€.ts and drainage. ;:011
<br />Call:AYes-(J~,Nays-(O).
<br />
<br />¡he Public hearing 0:1 tr'_8 :natter of !'ezcming the ~cl:: ''iÌng r1escri"'2è. l-';'-';'8é"t,y
<br />from Farm District to B'.lsinC3S District was àeclared open:
<br />" The Sout1wrest .~ of t.he iJorthwest ~ of the Southeast i of Sect.lJ,
<br />" T .29 ,Range 23, ~xccpt Bigr.wa;r 36; The 1.'les~ ~ of the No~th\'{est ~ of
<br />" th·; Northwest ~ of the S::nltheast -:ì- of Sect.l:J,T.29,R.23 except
<br />" the North 430 feet thereof;ar.d the Soutt 10.5 feet of the Eá.s:' 1
<br />"of the Ucmrthwest i of the ~lor+Jhwest i of the S01J":-heast ~ of Sect.
<br />l·lO,T.29,R..23.
<br />Petitioner Melvin Roth.
<br />Mayor b!ueller stated that two cO'.lr.c:U members were absent, therefore Víi3 èid ;,O~
<br />have a quorum to make a dècisi:m or. the above rezoning,however if a.'1yone pre::ent
<br />Ranted to be heard or. thi:s ::latter that the Council will give them the opport'mity.
<br />Mr.Maher expressed his regret that 2 members of the Council 'r'rere not present c-'1d
<br />that he was opposed to the rezoning.He s~bLûtted a ~etition of residents anò free
<br />holders in the surrounding territor~ on the G~'ound that the business the petiticn~~
<br />is proposing to operate will be a nuisance ar.d hinder the developemcnt of the
<br />surrounding land as a residence neighborhood. He stated that it will create a
<br />parking prohlem,noise a.l1d general nuisance .He was of the opinion that toxir::ating
<br />beverage m~' be served ar.d policing ;rJa.y also become a ~roblem.
<br />Bud Char,(ller said he ;vas not opposed to a reëtaurar:t but that he T-0uld o~:pose the
<br />serving of toxicating beverage.
<br />Tony Schmidt said that he had to be consistent and oppose~ rezoning on Ha!úline Ave.
<br />Mr Willis owner of property east of Chander Vault was concerned about drainage.
<br />He was fearful that if the property north of Highway 36 was filled higher, that !:the
<br />water may run dOTffi into hie property. Other than that,he was not opposed to a restau-
<br />rant as proposed.
<br />YI.Luhrsen inquired as to whether or not the Village Council could enter into agreement
<br />with the petitioner which would control certain conditions.
<br />Melvin Roth said that hi::: plans was to operate a high class restaurant where fami:œs
<br />could come and enjoy a good meal at reasonable prices. He stated that no liquor will
<br />be served. Upon suggestion he left a drawing of the proposed restaurant with the
<br />Council.
<br />Mueller moved,seconded by Pothen to continue this hearing to the next regular meeting
<br />July 5th,at 2 o'clock.P.M. Roll Call:Ayes-(3),Nays-(0).
<br />
<br />~embrez moved,seconded by Mueller to adopt the following resolTItion.Roll Call:
<br />AJes-(3) ,Nays-(O).
<br />WHEREAS, the C01.lncil of the Village of Rosevillc b:¡r resolution ap¡:roved,
<br />March l5th,1949 authorized the issuance of $15,000.00 par value of bonds
<br />by the Village of Roseville for the purpose 0: obtaining cash to purchase
<br />additional fire equipment for the fire De~t.of said Village;
<br />RESOLVED, that said bonds in the amount of $15,000.00 in denot'li!.ations of
<br />