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<br />II <br /> <br />~((J <br /> <br />---.-- <br /> <br />$5ÛO each dated Feb!'Uary 15,1949 shall forwith issue to bear interest at <br />the rate of 1.60% per annum paJrable semi-annually on August 15th and <br />February 15th in each year æ1d to mature serially on Feb.l) in the years <br />and amounts as fellows: <br />$3,000.00 in of the ye2~s of 1951 to 1955,both inclusive; <br /> <br />RESCLVED,further,that the bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the <br />Village Clerk and the President and Clark, together with the Village Treasurer, <br />are authorized ~~d directed to sign said bonds and to affix the Village Seal <br />thereto and to cause the interest couþrts to be executed and authenticated by <br />the written,printed,engraved of lithographed facsimile signatures of said <br />officers and said bonds wher. full~r executed shall be deHvered by the Treasurer to <br />the purchaser thereof upon receiptof the purchase pri~e and said p'.1rcha~er <br />shall not be obliged to see to the proper application thereof; <br />RESOLVED, further that the Clerk <h'1d Treasurer are authorized and directed to <br />prepare and issue to the purchasers and to the attorneys approving said issue <br />certifieà copies of all proceedings and records relating ~hereto and to the right, <br />power and authority of the Village to issue the sa~e anà said certified COpiAS and <br />certificates shall be deemed to be representations of the VillaL~ as rll to all <br />matterE thcrein stated; <br />HESOLVED, that the full faith, credi t and tétxing powers of the Villé'Zc sha.ll be <br />and the Sal'le ø.re hereby F.'1d irrevocably pledged to the prompt a.'1d full payment <br />of the principal QIld interest of each an (1 all of said bonds as the same become due; <br />RBSOLVED,further,to provide monies for the payment of said principal and interest, <br />there is hereby levied upon all of the t~xable property of the Village a ~irect <br />annual ad valorum tax which shall be ppread upon the tax rolls and collected <br />wi th anè as part of other general propertt taxes in said Village for the yeê.rs <br />and the amounts as follows: <br />Year Amount of Levy <br />-r91fr . . . . . . $3,300.tO <br />1950 . .... 3,350.00 <br />1951 . . . . . 3,400.00 <br />1952 . '. . . .. 3,450.00 <br />1953 . . . . . . . . .. 3,500.00 <br />Said tax shall be irrepeal~ble as long as any of said bonds are outstanding and <br />unpaid provided that the Village reserves the right and power to reduce the levies <br />in the manner and to, the extend permi~tèd by Sect.475.26,Yinnesota statutes. <br />RESOLVED,further,that the Clerk is hereby authorized ~~d directed to file a <br />certifieå copy of this re~olution with the County Auditor of Ramsey County, <br />together with such other information as he shall requ1re,and to obtain from said <br />County Auditor a certificate that said bonds have been entered on his bond <br />register and that the tax required by law for the payment of said bonds has been <br />levied. <br /> <br />Mrs Sha.r]:E and Mr.Johnson residing near Snelling CUrve and Pascal reported th..t <br />their water was unfit to drink and that they are of the opinion that pond water <br />from the surrounding territory filtering into the drinking water through wells <br />or otherwise is the cause of it. They reported that the state Board of Health <br />had ordered Mr Fred Huiras to seal a well on his property about 2 years aga. <br />Mr.Mueller promised to look into the matter so that this situation could be <br />remedied. <br />Mueller moved, seconded by Pothen to accept Memorial Add.No.l plat supmitted by <br />Wolfgræærsurveyor.Roll Call:Ayes-(3),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Mueller to gra!lt special permits to Arthur R.Johnston and <br />Theodore Lebens to reside in basement homes for 6 months.Said basement homes to be <br />erected at the East 175 feet of the West 378 feet and 553 feet of the North 187 <br />feet of the swî of the swi of sect.14,t.29,R.23. <br />