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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
6/27/2019 10:26:31 AM
Creation date
6/27/2019 10:24:16 AM
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Public Works Commission
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E:i1; <br />81 Member Hammer asked what the communication plan was for the roadwork, <br />82 especially lane closures with County Road C. She stated there is a lot of road <br />83 construction which affects commutes. <br />84 <br />85 Mr. Freihammer stated Ramsey County is the lead on the project and will do weekly <br />86 updates at the Ramsey County site in detail. Roseville also tries to share on <br />87 Facebook and Twitter and in the newsletter information from Ramsey County. <br />88 Detours are promoted on social media, so people are not caught off guard. <br />89 <br />90 6. MS4 Annual Meeting <br />91 Environmental Specialist Ryan Johnson provided a brief review and update on the <br />92 Annual MS4 Public Meeting and sharing the Annual Report. <br />93 <br />94 Chair Cihacek offered an opportunity for public comment with no one coming <br />95 forward. <br />96 <br />97 Member Hammer asked if the information will be available to people that may be <br />98 interested in creating priv within their property or is there other kind of guidance. <br />99 <br />100 Mr. Johnson stated these are a good couple of pieces the City has, for private <br />101 residences there is probably some better information that is a little more tailored to <br />102 them. <br />103 <br />104 Chair Cihacek asked what a contributor to high phosphorus levels is. <br />105 <br />106 Mr. Johnson stated anything from landscaping, atmosphere deposition. The City is <br />107 really good at designed the storm sewer systems to capture storm water and get it <br />108 away to reduce the flooding issues but at the same point in time, anything that is <br />109 organic falls on it and gets washed away and all of the ponds, lakes, ditches all end <br />110 up being sources because everything is collected there and not being able to get <br />111 processed. The City has a lot of phosphorus basically held. <br />112 <br />113 Mr. Johnson reviewed the total maximum daily load volume. <br />114 <br />115 Member Huiett asked if the City has looked at solar power for the pumps in the <br />116 water to move it around and keep it from getting stagnant. <br />117 <br />118 Mr. Johnson stated the City was looking at that, but the pumps draw enough that <br />119 solar power would probably not be able to keep the pumps going all of the time and <br />120 to add the solar onto the pumps made it a little more cost prohibitive. <br />121 <br />122 Member Huiett thought it could help serve as a reminder that something is going <br />123 on and an aid as to why the ice is thin. <br />124 <br />125 Mr. Johnson reviewed pond maintenance with the Commission. <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />
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