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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/23/2019 3:49:59 PM
Creation date
7/23/2019 3:49:50 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 8, 2019 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Councilmember Etten was concerned that at no time did he hear the Chair express <br /> any understanding of the concerns that have been brought to him. Whether before <br /> the meeting, at the meeting, or since the meeting. Mr. Bull has emailed the Coun- <br /> cil his thoughts, so he wondered what future decisions might be before the Chair <br /> that would also ignore legal counsel. He noted this is the reason he brought this <br /> up. He thought this was a very serious thing for the City in making sure it oper- <br /> ates in a clean, open, and fair way for citizens. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated there is not a clear action for the Council to make and <br /> thought it would be could for the Council to discuss and decide what the action, if <br /> any, should be. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan stated his sole role ended upon giving his advice and it <br /> would be inappropriate for him to weigh in on any decision making at this point. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated from his perspective and going through what <br /> is before the Council and what is in Code, the Council does not choose Commis- <br /> sion Chairs and leaves that open to the individual Commissions to select their <br /> leadership. What he would not want to see is the Council, for whatever reason, <br /> indicating this person should not be chair and ask the Commission to choose <br /> someone else. He did not think that was appropriate. In looking at the City's <br /> Uniform Commission Code, he thought the only recourse available to the Council <br /> would be removal. He did not know where the Council stood on that but thought <br /> that was where the discussion lies. <br /> Mayor Roe stated for a different perspective to Councilmember Willmus' re- <br /> sponse to the other actions, the City does have the actual layout in Code which is <br /> removal without need for cause. He thought the Commissions are established by <br /> the Council for purposes that the Council wants to receive the information from <br /> the various Commissions and it is inappropriate for the Council to be involved in <br /> the decision making of the particular Commissions as to who their Chair is. That <br /> is pretty well laid out as a process and procedure in the City Code and other mate- <br /> rials. Where he differs is because it does not say the Council should be involved <br /> in the selection of Chairs. He did not know if that goes so far as to say that the <br /> Council cannot take an action related to somebody continuing as the Chair. He <br /> thought that was open to the Council to interpret and did not know if there would <br /> be legal advice regarding that. <br /> Councilmember Groff indicated the concern he had is the process used in that <br /> meeting. He watched the meeting because he had some calls about it from the <br /> public with concerns those people had along with the other Commission Members <br /> being concerned. He then watched it again this past weekend and after watching <br /> it again, he was very concerned because if the City Attorney advised him to recu- <br /> se himself, he would have done so and not contested the advice of the City Attor- <br /> ney. That is one issue he had. Further along in the process, he watched how <br />
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