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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 8,2019 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Chair Bull interacted with the other Commission Members, which was not very <br /> respectful, especially at the end when the Commissioners were trying to call to <br /> question and Chair Bull refused and continued on. He thought there were some <br /> problems with the process from his perspective of how the Chair was handling it. <br /> Having served on Commissions recently, it is important that the Commission <br /> Members have respect for the Chair, feel the Chair is impartial, and does a good <br /> job but he did not see that happening. He would have a problem with Commis- <br /> sioner Bull continuing as Chair of the Planning Commission. <br /> Etten moved, Groff seconded, to remove Chair Bull from the Planning Commis- <br /> sion for the reasons laid out; serious legal concerns for the City in the process that <br /> was handled; and that there would be a possibility in the future that Chair Bull <br /> would do the same thing. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Groff reiterated what Councilmember Etten stated in that it opens <br /> the City to legal issues and the Council does not know what he would do in the <br /> future. Mr. Bull does not realize how he handled that and how other people re- <br /> sponded to it, as can be seen in the Email that was sent out. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought the Council knew there was not a violation of <br /> the City Ethics Code as written but it was probably a couple of short months ago <br /> that there was ethics presentation and it is all about the perception. She did have <br /> concern about not being sensitive and responsible enough to see the perception <br /> problem that was created. Regarding the running of the meeting, she was unsure <br /> whether that was a new Chair running a very long meeting that was complicated <br /> or whether she felt there was intent. She watched the meeting live as it was going <br /> on and it was hard to tell not being in the room what someone's intent was. What <br /> she struggled with is the judgement piece, which she totally agrees with,but she is <br /> interested in the City Attorney's counsel, comment regarding someone's First <br /> Amendments Rights vs. their Commission appointment. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan stated it is true that an elected official or Commission ap- <br /> pointment does not check their First Amendment Rights at the door, but he <br /> thought that is not part and parcel to this discussion. It is not a question of wheth- <br /> er or not a particular person had a particular view on a topic and voiced it. It is <br /> not whether or not that opinion can be voiced, it is the question of whether it is <br /> appropriate to do that publicly prior to presiding over a public hearing on behalf <br /> of the City as a whole. He did not view Mr. Bull's First Amendment Rights as <br /> being central to this discussion. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked City Attorney Gaughan for his opinion. She <br /> asked if the issue was that Mr. Bull presided over the meeting and did not follow <br /> counsel as a Commission Member. She struggled with that and wondered if it is <br />