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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 8, 2019 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted the City does not have total control of the place-making <br /> event,but the change can be added to try to have the City strive towards that. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted he would like to add "Support programming at Unity <br /> Park on Marion Street" as a priority. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if that was an item to put in the timeline or as a measure of suc- <br /> cess. <br /> Councilmember Etten indicated he would put it as a measure of success. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated regarding Unity Park, the process of which it <br /> came to be is also through conversation with Roseville Schools and there are op- <br /> portunities for the schools to be involved in some of those events as well. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it should state"Track events at Unity Park." <br /> Mr. Trudgeon believed there is a Discover Your Parks scheduled for later in the <br /> summer. <br /> Mayor Roe thought there could be a report of what has been done and what is <br /> planned at Unity Park to measure the progress. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated regarding the last bullet point there should be <br /> a word added to it and was not sure if it would be"tracking the amount of$$." <br /> Mayor Roe thought the use of the word "track"would be good. <br /> Councilmember Etten suggested "Explore Public Safety Coordination to help <br /> with ongoing concerns about crime," he was not sure where to put that and <br /> thought maybe it could be a report for the Council on public safety coordination <br /> with neighboring cities and the County that could happen in the third or fourth <br /> quarter and potentially add things as the City fleshes out 2020. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the second Strategic Priority, "Inclusive Community and <br /> Governance" with the Council adding to the timeline, 3rd Quarter, 2019 Convene <br /> Imagine Roseville working group to discuss next steps. He noted there are not <br /> any measures of success for this one. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought on the timeline it could be added "Council dis- <br /> cuss" to the 4th Quarter 2019 based on whatever the working group comes up <br /> with. <br />