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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, July 8, 2019 <br /> Page 20 <br /> Mayor Roe asked if it made sense to charge the Working Group, depending on <br /> what the next steps are, determining some potential measures of success and rec- <br /> ommending those back. <br /> The Council agreed. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the Goal: Relationships between the City and leaders in <br /> communities of color are developed, and maintained, noting the addition of two <br /> new Measures of Success Number of persons of color volunteering with City and <br /> Number of applicants of color applying for and being appointed to City Commis- <br /> sions. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought these are good measures of success but one that <br /> might be missing is more so then how many are being interviewed or appointing <br /> but what is the City doing to put new job information out into places where peo- <br /> ple are going to see it. She asked if the City is going to be measuring themselves <br /> on where and how the recruitment is being done. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon was not sure if there was discussion on that previously and was not <br /> that specific as to where the advertisement is being done because it might be more <br /> than just advertising like meetings and discussion. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought that is where the "how and where" came into <br /> play. It may be broader than just where the job is being placed. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed that the Council wants to be thinking about that but <br /> under the Measures of Success, the measure is "is the City having more people of <br /> color and more under-represented being interviewed and placed on Commis- <br /> sions." That is something that can be measured. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the goal "A toolkit of best practices for engagement and <br /> outreach is developed and staff is trained on how to use it and noted changes un- <br /> der Commissions: All City Commissions; and under 2020 and Beyond Edu- <br /> cate/Inform all Commissions of best practices. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if under 2020 and Beyond to add "ongoing education" because <br /> there should be something put in place to have that taking place all of the time and <br /> maybe part of all new Commissioner training. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the third Strategic Priority, "Housing" with the Council <br /> and under Strategic Initiative added "Housing is Available in Roseville to Meet <br /> All Identified Needs". He noted the change made by the Council earlier in the <br /> meeting and Under Measures of Success he added Progress is made towards add- <br /> ing the prioritized housing unit types. <br />