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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 8,2019 <br /> Page 5 <br /> b. Public Works, Environment, and Transportation Commission Joint Meeting <br /> with the City Council. <br /> Public Works, Environment, and Transportation Commission (PWETC) Chair <br /> Cihacek stated that would like to review activities and accomplishments and dis- <br /> cuss the upcoming year's work plan and issues that may be considered. <br /> The PWETC introduced themselves to the City Council. Vice Chair Wozniak, <br /> Chair Cihacek, Commissioners Joyce, Spencer and Huiett. <br /> Chair Cihacek reviewed the PWETC activities and accomplishments of the past <br /> year along with issues the Commission would like to take up in the next year. <br /> Mayor Roe noted on the Met Council subject, in addition to the City representa- <br /> tive being the former Mayor of Falcon Heights, the Chair of the Met Council is <br /> the former Mayor of Maplewood, he thought both of those members are folks that <br /> have a lot of interest in the transportation and transit side of things as well. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if the City had someone from Metro Transit talk to <br /> them about their service. He indicated the Council has talked for years about <br /> what was lacking for service and he wondered if the PWETC should look at the <br /> transportation agenda and discuss with the Metro Transit. <br /> Councilmember Willmus echoed Councilmember Etten's comments and thought <br /> it would be nice to have the Metro Transit individual come back to the Commis- <br /> sion along with the new City representative of the Met Council to meet and work <br /> through some issues. He noted in regard to the email Chair Cihacek sent to the <br /> Council with respect to Youth Commissioners, he thought in the City's latest re- <br /> vision of the Uniform Commission Code that opportunity extends to, he believed <br /> all, except the Planning Commission so if the PWETC wanted to have Youth <br /> Commissioners he did not think that was an issue. With respect to creating sepa- <br /> rate stand-alone Environmental Commission, he would like to see a little more <br /> discussion at the PWETC level what the actual mission scope and duties would be <br /> and kind of work through some of those things. He noted this is not a hard no on <br /> it but also not a hard yes. He indicated the City is stretched right now on Com- <br /> missions and he would want to have a conversation with staff about who is going <br /> to be that liaison. He wanted to walk through some of those logistical things as <br /> well. <br /> Chair Cihacek indicated the Commission could add that to a future agenda to talk <br /> through and come up with a proposal for the City. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated when looking at the big picture, looking at Rose- <br /> ville, Maplewood, Shoreview, and other communities and what those communi- <br />