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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 8, 2019 <br /> Page 6 <br /> ties are doing as far as design standards or building standards or redevelopment <br /> issues, he did not want to see is Roseville get so far in front of its neighbors that <br /> the City creates hardships or issues for development within Roseville. There will <br /> need to be a conversation with Community Development and is something that <br /> needs to be worked through to see what the City is looking to accomplish before <br /> taking a big step in that direction. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed with Councilmembers Etten and Willmus as far <br /> as the Council creating an agenda or some policy areas that could be improved <br /> with regard to transportation and working with the Met Council and then that is <br /> something their staff has something to follow up on with the Commission. She <br /> thought it has been fairly clear and that the Met Council is a large organization <br /> and there have been changes in the representatives over time, staff is a big part of <br /> what moves that agency forward and she thought any opportunity to bring staff in <br /> on the topics the PWETC want to explore should be made available to them. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated with regard to a separate Environment Com- <br /> mission or some kind of sub groups, she thought the Council has always indicated <br /> sub groups are a great way to have a couple of people from the Commission delve <br /> into something,just like the PWETC is planning to work with the Park and Rec- <br /> reation Commission on forestry issues. She thought if there was something that <br /> needed to be carved out where maybe there would be somebody on the Planning <br /> Commission that would work with a couple of people from the PWETC, that <br /> might be some kind of sub-committee work that could happen kind of cross <br /> Commission. She would rather use that approach for awhile and see how that ma- <br /> terializes rather than create a new Commission. <br /> Councilmember Groff explained he liked Councilmember Etten's suggestion of <br /> putting together a proposal for transportation because the Council is well aware <br /> that there are gaps in transportation in Roseville. As far as the sub-committee or <br /> separate Commission, he would agree with the other Councilmembers and asked <br /> for the PWETC to get the Council more information regarding that. He thought <br /> there is a great need for it and agreed with the Commission. He noted that with <br /> the way the whole conversation in the community and Country is going, the City <br /> needs that information to get ahead of that problem. He encouraged the PWETC <br /> to bring forward more specifics in the scope and a few more details. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated with respect to the transportation or transit side of it, when <br /> the new Chair of the Met Council came in there was also a transition of the head <br /> of Metro Transit that corresponded with that so what might make sense is if the <br /> City puts together some particular things that the City is looking for in Roseville <br /> with respect to transit. If a revision of a draft came to the Council, perhaps at a <br /> study session, and there were appropriate Met Councilstaff representative there <br /> along with the appointed representative on transit issues, the City can make sure <br />