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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 8,2019 <br /> Page 8 <br /> costs at this point that the Council needs to look at and consider where the City is <br /> at. That is something that the Commission should look at, at the appropriate time <br /> and if some changes need to be made those are conversations the City should have <br /> as well. <br /> Chair Cihacek noted at the last PWETC, Eureka Recycling gave the Commission <br /> an update and the market for recyclables everywhere is not great as a market force <br /> and no one is making money or revenue shares. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated that is something he wanted to talk about. <br /> When the City went forward with the last renewal, the Council chose to go a rev- <br /> enue share route. There are other opportunities and routes available to the City <br /> and some of the conversations he thought needed to take place. In the past, Eure- <br /> ka has come to the Council when it needed to take a second look at a contract or <br /> renegotiate a contract and that is the type of conversation the Council might be <br /> looking to have if the City is writing significant checks. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed with that conversation because during her tenure <br /> on the Council, there was extensive conversation about what that contract should <br /> look like and the revenue share. Another thing she wanted to mention was that <br /> she is the liaison to the Ramsey County League of Local Governments. That <br /> group was looking to bring Chair Slawick of the Met Council in for a discussion <br /> Q&A and she knows that as appointed Commission Members, everyone would be <br /> able to come to that event and decide if there were questions to ask as a part of the <br /> presentation. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted the most recent Sierra Club pamphlet is called <br /> "Trash Talk, Recycling Is Broken, Time to Reinvent. "The City is working with a <br /> company that does recycling but the City needs to be thinking about how to <br /> change the recycling program for the financial aspect as well as how it operates. <br /> He thought the PWETC could discuss how the City can reduce. <br /> Mayor Roe thought regarding the PWETC and an Environmental Commission, it <br /> would be worthwhile in the conversation to include examining the model of con- <br /> tinuing the way it is and not assume it cannot work because that might be the way <br /> it has to be. He did not know but thought it was worth having some conversations <br /> and figuring out if there is a way for it and what the pluses and minuses would be <br /> going forward. <br /> Chair Cihacek stated the Commission will pick up the proposal for restructuring, <br /> bring a couple of options for the Council to review, and decide on what is best. <br /> He would like the Council to give permission to recruit two Youth Commission- <br /> ers now. <br />