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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 8, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> there is a good opportunity to get the right information to the right people. He <br /> thought that made some good sense. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested in terms of the environmental focus and looking at those is- <br /> sues, the thing that came to his mind was the Zoning Code update that needs to be <br /> made as a result of the Comprehensive Plan Update. He thought that was where <br /> discussions come in that the City might require outside of public facilities or pro- <br /> mote and incentivize how that is done. The idea of a joint effort between the <br /> Planning Commission and PWETC makes sense to him. He could see potentially <br /> some sort of long-term joint Parks and Recreation, Planning and Public Works ef- <br /> fort related to environmental things. He thought that needed to be talked about, <br /> looked at, and the PWETC is the perfect group to start that process and engage <br /> with those other Commissions as well. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed that maybe it could be a combined sub-committee <br /> of the aforementioned Commissions that meet quarterly. He was concerned about <br /> how staff will make it all work. When he looked at the topics the PWETC has <br /> had the past year, he would put half of them on the Commission so he wondered <br /> what a new Environmental Commission would do at least at some level. <br /> Chair Cihacek appreciated that and indicated they would get an outline done this <br /> fall before any Commission selections need to be made. He wanted to give credit <br /> to the Public Works staff. He thought the reason the PWETC works well is be- <br /> cause the Public Works Department works well. He thought the work Mr. Culver, <br /> Mr. Freihammer, and Mr. Johnson do is outstanding and should be recognized. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought when the Council looks at membership makeup <br /> and the size of the Commissions, maybe those are some conversations the Council <br /> will have going forward as well. He wondered when the PWETC will have the <br /> water rates subject wrapped up and back to the City Council. <br /> Chair Cihacek noted the PWETC is working on the two prongs, residential and <br /> commercial, and he believed the residential will be in the City Council schedule <br /> relatively soon. <br /> Mr. Culver noted it should be before the City Council within the next month. <br /> Chair Cihacek thought the Commercial rate report would be before the City <br /> Council within the next two months and they will do an affirmation of current <br /> rates in October. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted the second thing he had was in regard to recycling <br /> and the City's current revenue share contract. He talked with Mr. Culver about <br /> this and to have a firm understanding of where the City is with regard to revenue <br /> share and if that contract is working out for the City, or are there some added <br />