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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, July 15, 2019 <br /> Page 5 <br /> needed to be a deeper look at some of the expenses in that area and what to antic- <br /> ipate. <br /> Mayor Roe stated on the communication side, he thought it was important to note <br /> that it is the capital needs for communications, which is primarily the Council <br /> Chambers, cameras, and switchers, etc. At least in an initial take, it makes sense <br /> to take a look at that from a tax supported view, as a facility. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it may make sense to do a little shifting around between Cen- <br /> tral Services, which looks like it might be struggling, and the Administration and <br /> Finance Equipment Funds which look like they are over funded over the twenty <br /> years. He indicated on the License Center strategy, he thought it made sense to <br /> make sure the Finance Commission is involved in those discussions and analysis <br /> with recommendations back to the City Council. <br /> Mayor Roe noted a couple of things that were specifically in the 2020 plan that <br /> actually do kind of relate to Public Works, one is the HVAC units on City Hall <br /> are programmed in for about $90,000. He wondered if that was anticipating any <br /> kind of tie in to the geothermal system. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon did not believe it was. He did know staff is talking about and re- <br /> engaging and looking at the existing geothermal connections more in the future, <br /> but he did not believe the HVAC tied into that. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if this was just rehab needs. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated that was correct. <br /> Mayor Roe explained there was talk about the costs over at the maintenance facil- <br /> ity and the significant item being the fuel system replacement. The note was <br /> made that in 2020, staff will know more about where the City of Roseville will be <br /> and he thought that tied into the facility study that will be undertaken. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon explained that was the reason for the note being placed there. <br /> f. Discussion on City Council 2020 Budget Goals <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA <br /> and related attachments dated July 15, 2019. <br /> Mr. Miller made a presentation to the City Council. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated given the increases that will be coming through the <br /> burden shifting, as well as some of the built-in costs, he appreciated the attention <br /> on the EDA levy that is going to end up around zero percent even with those <br /> shifts for a single-family home. As well, the City of Roseville is in a much better <br />