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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 15, 2019 <br /> Page 6 <br /> spot with the CIP and there does not need to be a lot of new dollars added there. <br /> He thought those are good things and he would be supportive of some new posi- <br /> tions or something around those areas in either or both public safety areas with a <br /> caveat that he would like to see more clearly how those additions can be expected <br /> to improve public safety. He thought some of what he has seen so far has not <br /> helped him as far as he wants to go in order to support that because of the other <br /> impacts on the City of Roseville right now. <br /> Councilmember Etten appreciated the programs being looked at for improving the <br /> EAB program and things like that and thought that is going to be important as far <br /> as the quality of the City of Roseville going forward. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated one of the things brought forward was poten- <br /> tially repurposing some existing levy dollars towards capital and maybe there is a <br /> little bit broader conversation there, maybe it doesn't all go to capital, maybe that <br /> does go towards some increase in services in public safety. That is a conversation <br /> he would like to have. He noted perhaps there are some internal looks that can be <br /> done within administration and asked if there are areas with potential opportuni- <br /> ties for reallocation of dollars. That is certainly something he would like to look <br /> into and see if there are some possibilities there. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte offered that there were a couple of good conversations <br /> on the public safety needs and she thought the City Council will have to delve in- <br /> to that as a part of this year's budget conversation and how to make those needs <br /> truly improve the response and service of what is being provided but also not nec- <br /> essarily get into competing with the county on social services. She thought that <br /> mental health is something that is facing all aspects of the communities, city, <br /> schools, county, and she thought that is having a big impact on their responses for <br /> police and fire. <br /> Councilmember Groff was concerned with looking at the numbers and that the <br /> General Fund has not been addressed yet. The safety issue is his number one <br /> concern and thought that would be something the community would support. <br /> Emerald Ash Borer is going to be a problem the City of Roseville will need to ad- <br /> dress. He thought that would cost money, but he did not want to increase the tax <br /> levy more than is needed because there are people that could be taxed out of their <br /> homes and he did not want that to happen. <br /> Mayor Roe added in terms of looking at how much the City Council may look at <br /> repurposing of debt levy capacity for perhaps some operational costs versus capi- <br /> tal costs, he thought it might make sense to take an overall look at all of the allo- <br /> cations of levy capacity towards the capital funding, like the City Council did <br /> with IT to look if there are some opportunities to transfer, shift from capital to op- <br /> erating to make sure that the City of Roseville is not having some of the fund bal- <br /> ances grow a lot in the out years. He noted while that looks good now, if there is <br />