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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, July 15, 2019 <br /> Page 9 <br /> about the budget, then certainly the City should continue to use that. He wanted <br /> to make sure it was still worthwhile and something the City Council used to foster <br /> some additional thought on the budget process. <br /> Councilmember Willmus was not sure if he was a fan of the hard-physical card. <br /> He thought staff should focus more on the electronic format released around the <br /> same time that the budget is out there, so people have some relevance with their <br /> comments. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte knew that after the first year there was a change to the <br /> questions and the format of the card. She did not know that as a result, things <br /> dropped off because of how the questions were asked and might be a reason for <br /> decline but she did know that the timing of it was also changed in 2018. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated the question also changed in 2018. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the question changed almost every year. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte explained she was trying to figure out why there was <br /> such a great response the first year. She was totally supportive of electronic ways <br /> to solicit the same type of information, but it cannot be a one day, it has to be a <br /> campaign, so to speak, to continually ask it and invite the responses. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought it seemed to be a very large expense for a very low <br /> response unless the City of Roseville did something very different to get more re- <br /> sponses. He would agree with the other Councilmembers to go with electronic or <br /> other means of doing it. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed, maybe looking at other ways or City events for <br /> feedback. <br /> Mayor Roe thought to maintain an opportunity for the paper response, could staff <br /> allocate some space in the newsletter itself to a form that could be cut out and put <br /> in an envelope and sent. Then the City of Roseville is not paying for an insert and <br /> a postcard and it might be a way to get a physical response. He was not sure that <br /> the question needed to change. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated he would talk to staff to see what is possible. <br /> 8. Approve Minutes <br /> 9. Approve Consent Agenda <br /> 10. Council& City Manager Communications, Reports, and Announcements <br />