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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 15, 2019 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought another side of that is when the City Council <br /> looks at fees that might be associated with Met Council or fees that might be as- <br /> sociated with the Watershed that the City collects or things that these other enti- <br /> ties forces a developer to do. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought it would be helpful for him to know what other <br /> communities this size are charging for development fees and if there is any way to <br /> make a comparison in the metro area to help the City of Roseville see where it <br /> stands. <br /> Mr. Miller continued with his presentation to the City Council asking what a rea- <br /> sonable cost for these outcomes are. <br /> Mayor Roe explained as he looked at the impact, it seems to him that a property <br /> owner, when looking at their tax statement, can make a connection between their <br /> value change and their tax amount change. He would be looking to have a com- <br /> monality between that median value increase and thought anything above the me- <br /> dian value increase, the City Council needs to justify. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought people in general, could deal with the six or seven <br /> range. It is more money per year, but he did not think it would be a huge issue for <br /> the residents. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if the City of Roseville was already within the six or <br /> seven percent with the built-in costs. <br /> Mr. Miller agreed. If the Council wanted to get creative and stay within that per- <br /> centage range then some solutions to that would be repurposing from one program <br /> to another and reallocating some levy dollars that were going to the capital would <br /> have to come back to operations, etc. <br /> Mr. Miller explained he would like to get some feedback from the Council on the <br /> use of the public comment card. He reviewed the costs to send them out along <br /> with how many cards staff has received back from residents. He wondered if the <br /> City Council wanted to use this same approach or try something different. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon explained the only reason staff is bringing this up is because it is a <br /> cost that the City of Roseville has and for the next year, the City of Roseville <br /> switched printers and got a good deal on the newsletter costs going down but <br /> would cost a little more to do the insert. He noted it would be $3,500. This has <br /> been declining over time and staff was not really sure why, as far as the copies <br /> sent back. There have been pretty consistent emails on it. In 2018, there were 48 <br /> total responses, only 21 of those were physical cards which is about $60 per re- <br /> sponse to the costs. He wanted to be sensitive to that cost; however, if the City <br /> Council found it as something valuable that triggers people to start to thinking <br />