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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 12, 2019 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Etten, Willmus, Laliberte, Groff, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None <br /> Consider Adjusting Rate Structure for Residential Water Rates <br /> City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Jesse Freihammer briefly high- <br /> lighted this item as detailed in the Request for Council Action and related attach- <br /> ments dated August 12, 2019. <br /> Mayor Roe noticed on the charts for Edina and St. Louis Park, there was a line for <br /> irrigation and wondered if that is added on top of the tiers. <br /> Mr. Freihammer explained those amounts are for homes with separate irrigation <br /> meters. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if Edina and St. Louis Park draw surface water <br /> like Roseville does. <br /> Mr. Freihammer believed that portions of Edina are tied to Minneapolis, but he <br /> thought this part was probably ground water. He was not sure about St. Louis <br /> Park. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated in one of the slides it noted some condos are in- <br /> cluded in this. He asked for staff to elaborate a little more on this. <br /> Mr. Freihammer stated if condos have individual meters then this would be <br /> counted by that. If the condos are sharing a master meter, it would not be count- <br /> ed. <br /> Councilmember Willmus wondered why none of the apartment complexes are a <br /> part of this. <br /> Mr. Freihammer explained the Commission focused on that and did have further <br /> discussion on whether apartments should be pulled into the residential fee sched- <br /> ule. The difficulty the city has is that apartments have different sized meters serv- <br /> ing different sized apartment buildings and that rate schedule on the commercial <br /> side is completely different than the residential, which is why single family is the <br /> focus on the residential rate schedule. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked for residential homes, what variation of meter <br /> size is there and what variation in terms of base fee for those meters. <br /> Mr. Freihammer explained the city would only go after ones that are currently un- <br /> der the standard residential meter, the 5/8 meter. If there was a different size me- <br /> ter, then it would be under a different fee schedule. <br />