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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 9, 2019 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated given the conversation tonight where perhaps there is <br /> some interest but more information is needed, he was a little concerned if this ser- <br /> vice is shut off at the end of September, per his recommendation, if there would <br /> be consideration by the Council to extend it another month to sort out some of the <br /> funding. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted he was curious to see what NewTrax comes back <br /> with and willing to leave that door open. When this was started it was a pilot pro- <br /> gram and as pilot programs go, sometimes those are successful and sometimes <br /> not. He did not want to slam the door shut with an absolute no but at this point, <br /> wanted to see if NewTrax can get some other partners at the county level to step <br /> up and take a second look at this. <br /> Councilmember Etten thought the Council needed to make a harder choice than to <br /> extend it another month or not. By the time the county would take action or other <br /> financing that would line up, it would probably take more than a month. He did <br /> not think a month extension would do it. <br /> Mayor Roe thought staffs recommendation is where the Council is at and if a <br /> proposal can come back with funding options and better serves the community, <br /> the Council would be interested in looking at that. <br /> f. Consider Approval of Proposed Text Ordinance Amendments of the Rose- <br /> ville City Code, Chapter 407 Nuisances, and Chapter 907 Building Regula- <br /> tions <br /> Community Development Director Janice Gundlach briefly highlighted this item <br /> as detailed in the Request for Council Action and related attachments dated Sep- <br /> tember 9, 2019. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned if automotive repair business that have vehi- <br /> cles for whatever reason, would be impacted by the changes to Chapter 407 with <br /> reference to stored vehicles. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if this would be a business in a residential district. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan indicated the scenario would be permitted under zoning as <br /> a permitted business. Public nuisance is created in a not permitted area. This <br /> would most likely arise in a residential area where a commercial business is not <br /> permitted. <br /> Mayor Roe noticed in several instances in the bench handout, specifically on page <br /> three, line 117, and page four, line 135, the reference "to at least four days" has <br /> been removed. He was curious as to why that was changed. <br /> Ms. Gundlach talked about this specific issue with the Building Official and his <br /> concern is the enforcement piece of this. In order to start the enforcement action, <br />