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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/26/2019 4:35:06 PM
Creation date
9/26/2019 4:35:00 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Publication Newspaper
Pioneer Press
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 9, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> cial deal per ride than the Shuttlebug and thought it was a good deal for the Rose- <br /> ville residents. He was open to further discussion but was not ready to continue <br /> with this until everything is figured out. <br /> Mr. Olson appreciated information from the Council regarding any localized <br /> foundations where money could be found and applied for. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he would like the city to stay connected to this and bring to <br /> the Council any potential funding and input at a certain level. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon explained staff will stay in contact and see what everyone can come <br /> up with before September is over with for potential funding. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought that made sense and asked staff to keep the <br /> Council updated on the progress being made. She also wondered if it would be <br /> possible for the city to reach out to Ramsey County either through the city repre- <br /> sentative or somebody else so that the request for some county solutions is not <br /> just coming through serving the seniors and the volunteers who are doing that <br /> work. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted the county serving the seniors is a broad swath of a lot of <br /> particular issues. Staff will continue to be engaged with Commission McGuire. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked if the city can get information on Washington <br /> and Dakota County so the Council has that in order to push in their conversations <br /> for transit improvement in the county. <br /> Ms. Barsel explained in the process of serving as the Ramsey County chair for the <br /> Adult Services Committee, one of the things she kept looking for was a funding <br /> mechanism for senior services. She explained that Southwest Ohio had imple- <br /> mented a very small property tax increment that was then designated to fund sen- <br /> ior services and be used to fund outreach workers for isolated seniors and people <br /> who needed transportation. She was not suggesting the city copy that exactly, but <br /> when looking at where the tax money goes, it seems to her that if the City of Ro- <br /> seville has 'x' amount of money from the budget that is allocated to the parks, for <br /> instance, the parks are used by anybody who comes into Roseville and wants to <br /> use them. She wondered if it was possible to say, if the city is funding the use of <br /> some of their services by people who live outside the community, can the city <br /> carve off a very small fraction of the funding source and designate it for address- <br /> ing a transportation desert which is something some of the city residents are en- <br /> countering and will only increase because as the senior population increases,more <br /> of them should not or will not be able to continue to drive. There would then be <br /> designated money to put towards someplace like NewTrax. <br />
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