<br />1íeetir:g'Y~~~2~_sday-,_[T)eceml~8r 6th,19iO_;:t 2 PH
<br />
<br />134
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<br />I
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<br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following menbers present:
<br />t{ueller , Halßr.lersten, lNillf'!us, Carlson,;1ernbrez. Ira Karon, at torney and Frank Leinen,
<br />TreRsurer were also present.
<br />Th~ Clerk read the minutes of November 21st and on motion by Hanl":'lersten, seconderl
<br />by nillmus the minutes were acceptcu. as read.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />'1'11e l:latter on vacating Aldine Place for which Public Hearing waf' called for this
<br />date came up.A complete study of the matter not being ready,Hammersten moved,sec. by
<br />Mueller th¿Ü Public Hearing be contiDueò to the next I1leeting on December 19th at 2 PH.
<br />Roll Call :Ayes-( 5) ,Nays-( J).
<br />Carlson moved, seconded by Vlillmus that the County Engineer's office be instructed
<br />to establish the grade a.."ld place stakes on Transit Ave from Rice st going West apprx.
<br />l/)~ mile .Roll Gall :Ayes-()), Nays-( 0) .j(a:JC:flŒZ'xtIm.XUlIDl!!{Ø~SKØD
<br />Harümersten Iaoved,seconded by Hueller that upon furnishing Warrant~r ~eed and necessa-
<br />ry resolutions by the VillaE;e Of.z'¡.F).~ . cqn HeiGhts and Village of Lauderdale thp.t the
<br />Treasurer be authorized to pay $1IfJI:~ representing l¡l% of the v21ue of the Real
<br />Estate as the final settlement between the Villages of Fa:Ccon Height:::,Lauderdale and
<br />ROE8ville 2Ild, the Town of ROE'e. Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Hays-(0).
<br />ì1ar,lr'Jersten moved, seconded by Carlson that application froLl the National Tea Co
<br />to sell foodstuff, cigarettes and off sale beer at Lr~xington and Larpenteur Aves, be
<br />aPI-Toved. and that licenses be issued.Roll C21l:AyesQ( 0) ,I'¡ays-( 0).
<br />HaiilmerstE.m movec, seconded by Carlson that the following streets be taken over by
<br />the 'linage for maintenance subject to the approval of the Village Hoad Overseer:
<br />Sherren st. ,Merrell St. and Wohrle Ave running in property o¡.vned by Wm Nlaher. Ro:i.l
<br />Call: Ayes-(5), [JaJ's-( 0).
<br />Carlson moved,seconòed by Wil1f:luS that roac overseer be instructed to plow the
<br />snow on Tranf'it Ave from Rice st. going West 1/4 mile.Roll r.all:Ayes-(5),Na~rs-(O).
<br />Arthur Auge residing OIl ]lr.::CarrOllS Lake 2.iJpeared be-fore tÌ18. Council in regards
<br />to the E,rading of Shady Beach Lane. He stated thpt this road ~ not need grading
<br />anc that trees Iilltl dirt were dumped on his prop:-;rty without hii': permission. It was
<br />:::Ubge:::tel; that he sholllc attend Vle next meeting on Dec.19th and that we would also
<br />inv::' te the rOÐ.d overseer so that th:'s mat tel' coult!. be discussed with both.
<br />T~Je fublic Hearing on the petition froD North star Construction Co for land owned
<br />by northern Pacific Railw2~r Co requesting the property described in minutes of Nov. 21st
<br />19;0 to be zoned from Farm Residence DÜitrict to Industrial DÜt:rict. There being no
<br />ana present to object this rezoning,!.1ueller moved, seconded by Harmilersten to zone the
<br />property to &'1 Industrial District.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />The North StaT Construction Co submitted blue prints of the buil(;ing they propose
<br />to build on this property. After eXPJ:lÍning these blue prints,Hamnersten m07ed,sec. by
<br />Carlson to authorize the 13u:Llding inspector to if3sue them a building permi t.Ro1l Call:
<br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />Harrill1erEten moved, f3lòconded by L~uel1er to instruct the County Engineers to establish
<br />the grade on the streets located in the new plat called "PORTE PARK AflDITION" Roll Call:
<br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(O).
<br />Hanmersten moved, seconded uy Carlson to auttorize Ira Karon,Attorney to prèpare p.n
<br />ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance from 500 feet to 250 feet for signatures in the
<br />case of future rezoning matters.Roll Cal1:A~res-(5),Nays-(0).
<br />The following petitions were submitted for the rezoning from Farm-ref3idence District:
<br />to Business Districts the following described properties:
<br />Except the North 412.5 feet, the East 400 feet of the West 500 feet of the ]~/i of the
<br />SVf~ of Sect.3,T.29N.R.23W and subject to State Trunk Highway No.51 (ovmed by Louis Gluek:
<br />
<br />.,
<br />
<br />The East 500 feet of SE i of NEt of Sect.4,T.29.R.23,subject to State Trunk Highway and
<br />to Lyàia street. (Owned by Floyd Olson)
<br />
<br />The East 300 ft.of West 410 ft.of So.542 ft. of SW~ of The NW~ of Sect.3,T.29,R.23
<br />suoject to County Road IC2" and state Highway 51 (owned by Edward Willmus)
<br />
<br />J The t.2st 2Gb ft. of West 396 ft. of No.412.5 ft. of ¡,¡v¡t of the SV/i of sect.3,T.29,R.23,
<br />subject to Cl '.mty Rd. "C2" ane S.T.H.No.Sl (owned by Oscar T.Lindberg)
<br />