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<br />II <br /> <br />l35 <br /> <br />Harùmersten r.lOved, seconded by Carlson that the 4 petitions be accepted and that <br />Public Hearing be had on Tuesday, Dec.19th at 2 PH. at the Village Hal1.Roll Call: <br />Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />Ca~lson moved, seconded by Willmus that upon a Cffilvass of votes at the Annual ~lection <br />of the Village on Tuesday,December 5th,1950,the results shown upon the tally sheet <br />are correct and the persons therein named receiving the largest number of votes are <br />elected to the offices therein designated.RollCall:Ayes-( 5) ,Hays-( 0). <br /> <br />Hawmersten moved, seconded b;y Mueller that <br />Ayss-(S),Nay~-(O). <br />Wm.A.!tueller <br />Harry Carlson <br />Frank Leinen <br />Joe W.Koalska <br />Walter S.Booth <br />N.S.Power Co <br />1/ " <br /> <br />the following bills be paid.Roll Call: <br /> <br />Wm.A.Mueller <br />Frank Weinholzer <br /> <br />80.00 <br />60.00 <br />75.00 <br />225.00 <br />1.67 <br />1.00 <br />1.91 <br />81.75 <br />loð.~O <br /> <br />B.H.H8!lImersten <br />Geo.A.Membrez. <br />George J.~chulze <br />Georße Guligowski <br />Milner W.Carle;y <br />Geo.Reiling Co <br />The Geiger Co,Inc. <br />Clarence strong <br /> <br />60.00 Edward Willmus <br />150.00 Ira Karon <br />121.50 Henr~T DOilllerberg <br />35.00 Rowland-Nelson Co <br />430.00 N.W.Bell Tel.Co <br />187.50" " <br />10.34 st.Anthony Park Fuel <br />102.20 Mike Walsh <br /> <br />60.00 <br />100.00 <br />120.00 <br />70.00 <br />13.85 <br />10.93 <br />25.00 <br />iúb 132.50 <br /> <br />There beinG no further Qusiness,Uueller moved, sec. by Menbrez to adjourn ffi8eting.Roll <br />Call:Ayes-(5) ,lJays-( 0) <br /> <br /> <br />-L~ <br /> <br />------ ~'-- _.-- <br /> <br />_ -.:.._-.:1 ) <br /> <br />" . --~..~~ Clerk <br />···-------T---- <br />