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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/28/2019 1:46:09 PM
Creation date
10/28/2019 1:46:06 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Publication Newspaper
Pioneer Press
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 7, 2019 <br /> Page 8 <br /> contracts two or three times. She would be supportive of having a conversation <br /> about the contract the city is in through the time that is already in place without <br /> talking beyond that and see if Eureka would accommodate the city like the city <br /> did for them. <br /> Councilmember Etten explained when he looked at the revenue on this case and <br /> the additional costs the city has right now, going to the offer Eureka put out to the <br /> city is more expensive than sticking with the current contract and essentially pay- <br /> ing the additional fee. He would be reluctant to change this unless Eureka came <br /> back with a different deal and then it should go up for an open RFP process. He <br /> would also be reluctant to go back and try to renegotiate this. It seems that the <br /> city is actually in a better spot right now than it will be whenever the next contract <br /> is done. He would be reluctant to add new costs that are higher. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if the price on the contract has changed at all with the <br /> removal of some of the recycle bins in the parks due to waste. <br /> Mr. Culver explained the city does get charged a per pull cost. The more recepta- <br /> cles out there in the city, the higher the cost. He noted pulling the containers from <br /> the parks is not a significant number. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought there were a lot of moving parts in the process and <br /> to clarify, it sounds like the recycling business is shrinking or not as many people <br /> are recycling. <br /> Mr. Culver indicated it is more processing of the materials. Sometimes it is a <br /> matter of who is actually using the materials to produce a product. There are a lot <br /> of efforts going on to try to develop more markets, particularly locally. The glass <br /> issue needs to be resolved as well. <br /> Mr. Culver noted by the city going to a single stream recycling process, it really <br /> increased recycling and made it easier for the residents. But the problem with <br /> that, is that it had an impact on the quality of materials and much more contami- <br /> nation, particularly glass and cardboard. Part of what would help with this is if <br /> the consumers would push retailers and manufacturers to package their products <br /> in recyclable materials. That would increase the quality of the plastics and reduce <br /> contamination. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked in the conversations with Eureka, is there any in- <br /> road to be made related to the calculated cost of the recyclables that are collected <br /> rather than the indices being used, using a more local method or what Eureka is <br /> actually getting for those. He asked if there are potential inroads for conversa- <br /> tions to be had. <br />
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