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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2019 <br /> Page 17 <br /> is also important and should be pursued because it was very close to getting <br /> passed but fell apart in the Senate. He thought hotel/motel licensing is a great op- <br /> portunity to build a coalition with other cities that have the same problems so staff <br /> can work on that. Taproom/cocktail room licenses might have some other fixes in <br /> the legislative process and staff is working with Mr. Blume on potentially some <br /> licenses that the city may be able to issue. He could provide some additional in- <br /> formation at the January 6th meeting. <br /> Councilmember Etten indicated he starred two priority items, one was the OVAL <br /> and the other was hotel/motel licensing. Hotel/motel licensing is certainly some- <br /> thing that has taken up a lot of staff and community time and had a lot of negative <br /> influences on some folks so he would like to find a way forward. He hoped that <br /> can be moved to the top and have some of these other pieces cleared off or maybe <br /> with a clearer direction. He was also wondering about two things on the other <br /> priority lists; transportation funding and sprinkler system requirements and where <br /> the Council felt like those fit. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought the Council had them in that list because the <br /> Council figured there would be other people taking the lead on that and the City <br /> of Roseville can be supportive. Whereas the items on the top part of the list were <br /> what the city might actually have to take the lead on. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that still made sense from his perspective. He thought many of <br /> the items on the top of the list were updated policy documents and should include <br /> some of the latest developments, especially in the hotel/motel licensing where the <br /> city sees partnerships. If there is other legislation being proposed, references to <br /> that should be included and up-to-date. He thought that applied to many of these <br /> priorities. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if there was anything that came forward on the massage therapy <br /> licensing at the State level or any other identified partners that might be interested <br /> in that. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon explained there was no specific legislation introduced and more of <br /> the higher priority issues were the focus. But that can be pursued if the Council <br /> wants staff to spend time on it. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he would like to be a little more informed on it and did not <br /> know if that was something the lobbyist would be able to tell them or what might <br /> be a strategy or thoughts on that one at some point. <br /> Mayor Roe noted on taproom/cocktail room priority was worthwhile to make sure <br /> the Council has the latest legislation that is being proposed by Mr. Blume. On the <br /> Cedarholm community building, staff may want to look at wording its policy flex- <br /> ibly so not only would the city be supportive of getting its own ability to license <br />
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