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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2,2019 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Councilmember Etten asked Mr. Trudgeon if he had a plan in place already or <br /> was it a suggestion to talk about the communications function going forward. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated it was the intention as identified in the budget messages <br /> to start looking and bring forward discussion for some options, whether it is re- <br /> structuring the communications efforts to shave off costs or finding additional <br /> revenue on that. He did think in this budget it was mentioned that the city would <br /> not take any action and this budget does implement some actions to help stabilize <br /> that fund, namely shifting some staff costs out to the general fund and also into <br /> the capital funds. There are also some things that need to be looked at, one is the <br /> city's relationship with CTV and if that is something the city wants to still contin- <br /> ue. He thought if the city wanted to be open and flexible to all options that needs <br /> to be considered as well and one potential opportunity for cost reduction. He <br /> thought if specifically looking at line items, the newsletter and website have been <br /> mentioned to not necessarily touch but, for instance, there is a community survey <br /> in the budget for 2020 for $20,000. The city finds this survey very valuable but <br /> when some of these decisions are made like this tonight, without really having <br /> that conversation, some things put in place would be in jeopardy. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon explained he did not know if the city needed to limit its communi- <br /> cation efforts to what is in the bank in the communications fund. The city has <br /> been very lucky over the years to fully fund its communications efforts and ex- <br /> pand the communications efforts because the funds were there. But it is not a <br /> written rule that communications have to come out of a communications fund. He <br /> did not know exactly the number of cities that fund communications through levy, <br /> but was sure there are cities out there. It comes down to a matter of priorities, <br /> which is what he would like to have a discussion on to find out what is really im- <br /> portant for the city, what needs to be done, what is that cost, and how can the city <br /> afford it. If the city can afford that within some non-property tax revenue, that <br /> would be great. But if some things are really important for them as a community <br /> to have, then there will need to be a hard discussion whether that is from property <br /> tax, a combination of different funds, or looking at different things. He thought <br /> there needed to be those discussions versus just making a decision to cut a certain <br /> number and be good with it, which is his opinion and recommendation to the <br /> Council. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated the Council did not need to take any action at this point but <br /> is a start for conversation. He suggested to the extent this impacts the budget mo- <br /> tions, the Council come to a conclusion about that at some point. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that at the rate the fund is being depleted, what he <br /> didn't want to see is that the city gets one to two years out and having to look at <br /> shifting a significantly greater percentage or all of it to the levy. He thought that <br /> as the city looks at either a two- or three-year approach, to wean themselves off <br /> deficit spending, which is a prudent measure the city should look to take. He <br />
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