<br />t£eeting, Tuesday ,Hay 15ht,1951 at 2 PE
<br />
<br />150
<br />
<br />71;." Vli1élße Council met on the above date with the following meobers pref'ent:
<br />1'1ue110::" E<:..,ru.:ersten, Carl 30r:, 1;ÜllmuR B.nr :,[el'lbrez. Ira Karo!l, attorney was also present.
<br />The Clerk Y'eac' the uinutes of the previous meetings of May 18t and 3rd. é:.nd on
<br />jT;otion by 1luelL:::"', seconòeè by J-iéi:ilnersten, they were approved as read.Roll Call:Ayes-( 5)
<br />1IT~,;c:_( r, )"
<br />...\c-tf..... "-".
<br />
<br />The Pu1,:::"ic J-ieé:Y':'ng on the vacation of Aldine Place was declared open. Attorney
<br />¡'¡elsC1D,representing the reE'idenÜ: in Ridbewood Lé'1l18 and Mr.BroasrJ,attorney for 11.1'. ~ Mrs
<br />Solstaò,owD€r of VroodÌi~de AGdition.were there to submit their views on this !:latter.
<br />('winE, to the fact thd there is no immediate ~oolution of the drainage problem in conm!ctiO!
<br />y:itn grading Aldine street,llr.Broady requested the Council to establish grades on Aldine
<br />Flace á-n orcJer to gré:.òe and open it. IAr.Nelson requested time to discuss the matter with
<br />thE re8iòents in Ricl'cewood Lane as t~Ü~ request CaI'le to him as p surprise. !Æernbrez !:loved,
<br />seconded by Hamrnersten to continue this heal'ing on June 5th,l951 at 2 o'clock P.I,:.
<br />].011 CalJ: A:!8S-( S) ,1Jay:::-( 0).
<br />The m.::.tter of Vacating Alleys ill :alack l,of Eice St.Gr&.l1d View A¿dition to St.Paul
<br />fr:::::1 r~ice St. to Ida Ive,from AlìdQr Ave to Gr&.l1dvie'd with exception of Alley running
<br />lJorth and South beb!een Lots Ô-ï-ó-S-and 4. Membrez moved, see, by Carlson to vacate the
<br />Glleys &s requestEd.Roll Call:A¡.re5-Carlson,lA€mbrez, (2) , Nay"s-YJillmus, Mueller (2) Har:lr.lersten
<br />(iCi not vote. Ilotion was defeateè.
<br />,~Ha."lI.:ersten moved, secondecl ty Willmu¡, to e.cìopt the following resolution.Roll Call:
<br />~ye3-()),~0YS-(0).
<br />S.p.6216-27( :'.h.51-125) RG.¡;:Gey Count;y ,st ate of Hinnesota, Village of ROfevi "LIe
<br />N:'-iL::Rl.:.AS, the" COlmJ1isci01:er ·or Highways of' the state of lÚDD8sota has now determined to
<br />Öesit:nate aDd make perr::l<ment the location of Trunk Highv\3.Y 1'10.51 f'J~rrerly designated
<br />2S Trunk Highway 1;0.125, throußh th(; 'lilJage of Roseville as E'hown upon the plans which
<br />are rrE:;;cnted herewith and made a part hereof, and
<br />Vim~"p.}~AS, said CcrrJnissioner of HighwaJTs is rl8sirious of constructing, reconstructing anò
<br />improving said Tr1..<llk Highways through saici Viï.lcge aIle! ~reparer) ph.ns for sú.id constructiol
<br />l'eccnstruc:icn and improvement, a çcr~r of ìílÜch saie' rLms are preser: ted herewith and made
<br />¿ ~2rt of this resclution;and
<br />Wí-IIREAS, the construction,reconstrt:.ction and improvfment of said Trunk Highv..-a~r requires a
<br />change in the grade of' the streets in sail: Village alon¿ and upon Hhicr. saiè Trun]~ Highwa;y
<br />p8sò-es,said change of grade bein¡; riesignated 3n,! shown on said plans,anè.
<br />WHt:REAS, it is to t;1c best interest of the Village that se.id Trunk High"ia:r be constructed,
<br />reconstructed m~d improved through ::;aid Village in acccrc~.2.nce -,.,i th ::;aid p12...n8 and the
<br />stanèard r:innesota Hig!ma;,r Speci.1'icåtions dnd U¡":Or. the gr2de designated therein, and
<br />firiLREAS, the COIì11J1Íssioner of fiighwilYs is dresirious th2.t the 'Tillage of Roseville, will not
<br />1icer.fe or per;ilÌ thereafter, 2n.y encroacr.rr.ent of any n2ture, including curb gas pumps or
<br />g?E ~t2tionE" or billboards or other structures of any" kind whatsoever, on tte right of
<br />wey of said Trunk Highway No.51 within the co,porate limi~E of said Village of Roseville
<br />::.s 'Jf.OV,11 U:!J0Il the rlans and I!le.ps hereto atte.ch~d,and
<br />'i'if;E..'>\EAS,:i.n the furtherance of the Public well being and safety it is desirable and neces-
<br />sar;! to eli::ri.nate traffic hazards by elililÌnating any encro 3.cher.J.ents whatsoever including
<br />bas pl:.mpë aJ1d gas r;tations or billboards or other struct'.l~CS of 811;Y kind whatsoever ,now
<br />or hereafter existing in or upon the saici Trur.k Highway rlgr.t of way, and
<br />1[,:1ŒAS, said COiíJli1Ìsdoncr of HighwaY8 desires ,in the interest of Public safety, that all
<br />parking of vehicules on said 7:'unk Highway be parallel wi tì:. t:-J.8 curb and at least 20 fe~t
<br />1'1'0::1 an;)' crosswalk at ai.l p-J.l.Jlic streets intersccting sai.d Trunk Highway wi thin the cor-
<br />l'oratei:d limits of saici Village,anrì
<br />VÚiEP.EAS,it is to the beEt interests of sair' VillaGe that all D3~kin6 of v8hic'..Ãles be
<br />;::ar3.11el to the curb;
<br />NOW, TH:.ffiEFORF., 3E IT RESOINED, th::t s2.iù pl:?Ds ancl specifications for thA construction,
<br />reconstruction and imp!'ovement of said Trunk Highway through saiò Village, be and the same
<br />nereb:r are approved, é'..nè saieL Village hereby consents to the change in grade of the streets
<br />elong which said Trl1nk ì-iÌGhway p'apses, 2S shown in sa:"3 plans;n and
<br />f'E 1'l' FUR !IER LLSCI.VED, th2.t said Ville.ge ric;es hereby agree and convenant thi?t it .vill
<br />r",:ver rer::Ü t or Euffer, wi -:'!Ün i ts corpür2:'~ limits, allY encro2chement 0-: any kind whatsoeve:
<br />incllJd5ng curb bas pUé"lpS p..'lè gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind
<br />kind YI:l;::tsoever, uno!: the r:"cht of wo.:' of Trunk High"¡2;v ::1 as s110wn cn saiG plan.'" and that
<br />