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<br />þ- <br /> <br />COL!t. F""61:-: II <br />tr :'¡e: 2hove ene; s8.i.e.' Village., hereb~' ê,grees that it will ~lCver is~'ue é'.'ì.y license,per:;1it, <br />OY' Gr2nt,or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form £'01' the <br />(cnstruction or rnaintcIIé;l;ce of arlJ-' G'ì.croacllement whatsoever ,including cl1rb G3S pumps <br />ané' gas stat:'ons, bill boards or other stnuctures of any kine' whatsoc'ler, upon said right-af- <br />way; aile; that saiè will cooperé'lte :'ns~ofar é1S pOf'sible to eliminate existing en- <br />UOaChel:lcnts constituting tr2,ffic hazards ani vvill furbher take any necessary action to <br />eliminate any encroacr,ülliCmt that l'1ay hereafter exist on said Tnmk Highway right-of-way; <br />ane' <br />B2 :LT FURi'HER HESOLVED, that said VillaGe does !;Greby a¿ree to require the parking of all <br />vehicules on said Trunk Hig)nvay to te pardlel wi tL the curb and at IGast 20 fEet from anJ-' <br />C!'OS sVialks at all public strppts inters acting said 'I'rl.lnk HißhwéY wi thin the corporate <br />limits of said Villa6e. <br />U1ateù at Roseville ,Minn8E'ota, thif; 15th day of May, 1951. <br />Villa.¡;e of Roseville,by '.ïill~a!TI A.Hueller,Mayor,AttestccJ by Geo.A.:,lembrez,Clerk. <br />Mr.S.J . Krann3.,1.!.: subrni tteò a petition to 'lacate Crwwforù st. hetween Fernwooà and Dunlap a~ <br />shown in Krarmakts Plat.Ha.~ilersten I'love¿,sec.b;y Carlson to accept petition and that Public <br />Hearing be had on June Sth,19)1 at 2 P.! the Village Héill.Roll Can: ~res-(5) ,NF.:rs-(O). <br />Mrs. Phillip Bourne 2)50 No. Snelling Curve appeé' about the terrible smell created by <br />lv':arrinan Poult.ry FarrrI.She was in!'ormeò that :P.r.lvla11rine.n had p~ready becn notified to <br />clsé'm up.The Clerk W2S intructed to write him again and give 2 weeks to eliminate this <br />sitmDtion. <br />Willmus fJoveu, ~'8conùed by :Juellcr to order the Cou::ty to establish grade on Rome Ave <br />bf'twE-~en Dunlap é:.nd Fernwood Ave.Roll C2.ll:A~Tes-(5),lk:r2-(C). <br />A requ~'Et '.'las r.¡ade by Husby & SOPS to establish curb grades on the NW.comer of Ridgewood <br />Lane.M.r1.Üllmus was fearful± that it :night create a draj.nage problem. He WBE' asked to <br />inv'3stig2te the matter before ordering th~ grade:::. <br />1'.';1' .Oscar Gottfried submitted B. petition ',I!;Üwut signatures for the rezoning of lots 1, 2, <br />13 !';":d 14,~lock <,Gottfried Plat. CaTl~()n f'O'·('rl,s'">'~. r·~ '·,,,,';~'e:: to deny 'Jhe petition <br />owing to the fact tha: ~le :iid not have the signatur'!~ of -she pr:'1per::r owners within <br />250 ft.Roll Call:Ayes-Carlson,!IIueller,Nembrez (3)H2Ir¡r,lerden and WilllTlt'R ,iid not vote. <br />¡:¡~.JWJ'?r~ten moved, seconded b:: Carlson to r(~quest the COU11t~r to oil MC1 sand the Vil12ge <br />Stri3eb o.s in t.he past.Holl call:Ayes-(S) ,Nays-( 0). <br />l1:::JD'ilcr"ten movcè, seconded b:,T ~'[ill:::us to tur;1 o'¡er specifir;ations for the con~,:'ructio:1 of <br /><' fire barn ,to ¡r~J.Karon,attorney for completion.Roll call:Ayes-(5),;~2::rs-(\)). <br />¡'I2.'iì.T1Crsten ¡;¡ov3è,s('l~onded by Carlson that cToe Koalska,TOa(3 overseer b~ authorized to grade <br />Gic:::sm2l1,Wil1iRlTIÌ",""Janc21 Place,ZldridGe sté:. ,me: to estéJblish grade of Bl¡rkc £'rom L<:~::dn[ton <br />goinG i!:apt. Roll Cdl:Ayes-(5),Hays-«)). <br />~.~:;rr¡hrez moveè, secondeà by tlæ:l'TIerf'ten that Joe :(oéÜ,,'k2 be compen,'ated t)]; .()O DeI' month~ <br />bebiJ1!1Íng June 1st for extrs. duties such as hiring help, telephone c2.l1~,supervision,etc. <br />n"l ì {'all'A"es-(¡~) n..,.rc:_(O' <br />...l ....J. - __ v 0.6- ...'y ..-', .. ~ Co''; ..", .' ) . <br />~i'~~us moved, Carlso~ to <br />!.,c?.gue of t.1èmicipali ties 2.nnual <br />"rL''''_(;:',~ ¡,¡aus-(O) <br />llc..' ..... '-' '\,,/), ~ J . <br />;.'Lle11er moved, seconded by Willmus t01ccept the resi¿nations of Gco.}1ernbrez, Clerk and <br />B.HH3Iìllner3ten, trustee as of June Ist,l?51.Roll call;A:res-(5 )Nay~-( 0). <br />!>¡Iueller moved, sec.Carlêon the.t t3.H.Harnmerst.en be elected Clerk for the unexpired term <br />as of June lst,1951Roll Call:Ayes-Hueller,Carlson end ~·.ïHmus(J). <br />.i!ueller,rooved, Carlson that Geo.:!c!'J1Jrez 1>0 e~ected Trustee for the unexpired term <br />as ..)f' ,June lst,1951.Roll C2l1:AJres-I~ueller,C<,-rlson,Vlilb1Us,Harmnersten (/¡). <br />;':ueller moveè, Carlson to pay the followinG bills.Holl Call:Aye2-(5),Ha~rs-(O). <br />Frank Weinholzc:r 100.00 WalE'h 86.80 Clarm1c3 ~-:.strong 102.20 <br />P.O.Feterson,Inc. 3100.00 Oscar Gc-:.tfried 2062.50 B.V.Johnston Culvert 331.30 <br />George Schulze 199.,0 ~.O.Petcrson,Inc. 114.40 Ra~r:onò Jacabson 28.00 <br />;,C.S.!.1ergens 160.00 II II 194.25 Joe Koalska 265.62 <br />Roseville Fire Lìept. 20b.50 i~1s& E.Obst,Treas. 7.67 IJ.'lí.!3ell Tel.Co 13.70 <br />If If H07.00 Ii.S.Power Cc 1.00 11 II ll.O) <br />Drewry & SonE' 29.92 P2bst S21es Co ·276.24 Jorill Gluek Co 9).85 <br />Iv;c.LauE;hlin Bev.Co 986.85 Anheùser Busch Co 65.51 L;~.Leé'J1 Dist.Co 114.0) <br />!v;c.Don 3é:vcré Co lloUO E>:hnidt Bre".Co 698.05 H,:c:rWl Brewing Co 2068.52 <br />'.:idWCS"0 WiDS Co 186.30 ~1iF~illers ~Ìf:t. 170LJ9 '-'aaous T3r;mr.Js,Inc. l730.36 <br />C·lc: Feoria,I~lc. 17~~~;.2) Geo.Be':l::.'; 5('':18 li).67 ßè.:rhillips Some 397.76 <br />Grizgs Cooper Co 2047.38 <br /> <br />151 <br /> <br />3uthorize 1+ !Je;::rü::'1E of th3 C01.'ncil to i'itt:md the Hinn. <br />conventicJD at Rochester with expenses raid.Roll Cctll: <br />