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Roseville 2040 <br />Chapter 13: Implementation <br />Goal <br />Action or Strategy AL <br />Who <br />When <br />Ongoing? <br />How (! <br />Enhance neighborhood and community <br />City funds, grants, <br />identity in the design of parks, programs, and <br />Parks and Recreation <br />Roseville Visitors <br />facilities through public art, special events, <br />staff, Roseville Area <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />Association, Roseville <br />and stewardship of natural features. <br />Arts Council <br />Area Arts Council, and <br />contributions <br />Establish a service standard of having a <br />Parks and Recreation <br />City funds, park <br />neighborhood park or active play space in <br />staff <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />dedication, and <br />every park service constellation. <br />contributions <br />Preserve parks and school open space areas <br />Parks and Recreation <br />lle <br />as part of the city-wide systems plan for <br />staff, Roseville Area <br />Medium- <br />X <br />Areaty <br />School District, <br />Area School District, <br />structured recreation space and unstructured <br />School District, and <br />term <br />and contributions <br />preserved natural areas. <br />affiliated groups <br />Include Ramsey County park land and open <br />Parks and Recreation <br />City funds, Ramsey <br />space in planning and providing recreation <br />staff, Ramsey County <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />County, and grants <br />services to Roseville residents. <br />Seek partnership to provide the community <br />City funds, to <br />with a greater diversity or number of parks <br />Parks and Recreation <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />contributions, and <br />and facilities, and to offer a more expansive <br />staff <br />vendors <br />catalog of programs and events. <br />Seek sponsorships and scholarships and other <br />parks and Recreation <br />City funds, partners, <br />revenue streams to facilitate program fee <br />staff <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />contributions, and <br />reductions. <br />grants <br />Continue to coordinate, cooperate, and <br />collaborate with adjacent communities, <br />school districts, and governmental <br />Parks and Recreation <br />jurisdictions to leverage resources regarding <br />staff, other <br />City funds, other <br />the use of parks on common municipal <br />governmental <br />Ongoing <br />X <br />governmental agencies <br />boundaries and on joint programming where <br />jurisdictions as <br />appropriate for mutual benefit to optimize <br />appropriate <br />open space, fitness, and recreation <br />programming and facility options. <br />Chapter 13 1 Page 21 <br />