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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
Agendas and Packets
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Last modified
2/21/2020 3:35:26 PM
Creation date
2/21/2020 3:32:38 PM
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Public Works Commission
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GOALS INITIATIVES AND ACTIONS <br />5.1. Encourage the purchase of renewable energy credits by all businesses and residents <br />Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) can be purchased through utility programs like WindSource® and <br />Renewable*Connect. By purchasing credits, utility customers can support additional renewable energy in <br />the generation mix from wind and solar. <br />5.1.1. Implement renewable energy strategies from the PiE Energy Action Plan <br />o Create a near -term web presence on the SLP website for nonprofits, local government, <br />faith -based organizations, and businesses to learn more and have access to relevant <br />resources such as financing (integrate with CAP Resource Hub) <br />o Conduct direct outreach to businesses and residents <br />o Create materials for neighborhood associations to distribute <br />5.1.2. Increase participation in green power purchase programs like WindSource® and <br />Renewable*Connect that are offered by Xcel Energy <br />o Include links to these programs on the CAP Resource Hub <br />o Encourage sign-ups through regular communication channels (newsletters, social media, <br />etc.) <br />o Charge ESC with developing an outreach strategy that includes annual goals and <br />engagement tactics <br />o Engage youth in outreach efforts <br />o Track annual participation using the community energy report from Xcel <br />5.2. Encourage participation in community solar <br />Many residents and business owners are unable to install solar on their rooftop because they don't have a <br />good solar resource, are renters, or cannot afford to. Community solar allows utility customers to subscribe <br />to a solar garden that is sited in another location. <br />5.2.1. Provide resources to help residents and businesses make informed decisions about community <br />solar <br />o Include information and resources on the CAP Resource Hub <br />5.2.2. Host a community solar garden site that allows residents and businesses to participate <br />5.2.3. Stipulate in the contract that the project will maintain the RECs <br />5.2.4. Reserve a portion of the project for low-income residents at a discounted rate <br />5.2.5. Engage community members throughout the project <br />5.2.6. Request technical assistance from objective entities like CERTs <br />5.3. Support and accelerate installation of on -site solar <br />More than half of the city's energy consumption can be met by rooftop solar generation within the <br />community. Investment in on -site solar keeps energy dollars local, and helps the community meet its <br />climate goals. <br />5.3.1. Encourage and educate residents on the benefits of on -site solar <br />o Post the state solar resource map on city's CAP Resource Hub <br />o Provide a link the Clean Energy Project Builder <br />o Provide a link to Energy Sage, an online marketplace that helps reduce the cost of solar <br />energy installations for business and residential consumers <br />o Include a link to the National Renewable Energy Lab's solar calculator, PVWatts® <br />
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