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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Meeting Tuesday,February 19 1952 at 2.00'P.M. <br /> <br />193 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the follo1dng member~ present <br />Carlson,Willmus,Membrez,Connor and Hammersten. <br /> <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the previous regular meeting of Feb. 5th and on <br />motion by Carlson,seconded by Willmus they were approved ~s read. Roll Call Ayes-5 <br />NayeR-( 0). <br /> <br />Mr. Alfred Fixter of 2980 T.H.8 appeared before the council representing a group <br />of neighbors objecting to the establishing of a dump in their area, saying it would <br />be a po~sibility of drawing rats and thro~ng offensive smoke. Mayor Connor pointed <br />out the type of dump which has existed on Larpenteur Ave east of Hamline saying it <br />had been kept in an orderly manner, and that this same area could be maintained the <br />same way. Mr. Fixter said they would not be opposed to good clean fill. <br />Mr.Rochat of Cleveland Ave & Co. Road D said he had four(h) acres across the <br />street from the proposed dump site,saying he did not see how a dump could he kept <br />clean, and that he planned on building some homes on his property :md woul d be unBble <br />to sell homes with a dump close by. <br />Mr.'I\nute Haglund of £'929 'I.H.B said he felt the residents in that area were get- <br />ting a bad deal and he was opposed to starting a dump and asked if the Village Council <br />would write to the St Anthony Village in their behalf asking them to ¡¡bate the dump <br />now in existence on the Silver Lake road,as smoke comes into their homes in the <br />sunwer time m~king it difficult to sleep. <br />Mr. Swensen who lives nor~ast of the dump site said he did not think the idea of <br />a àump so close to his home was a good one. <br />The Clerk read the motion acted upon by the Council on Monday Eve. JOIn.23th.Mr. <br />Rochat said if the Council did not back up the residents in their reque~t to stop <br />the dump,they would go further on if necessary. Ten residents who would be affected <br />by the starting of this dump presented petitions signifying objections. <br />Mayor Connor told the group they would be notified of the action taken by the <br />board on their request. <br />Mr. Geo.lndykiewicz said he did not know there would be that much objection to him <br />starting a dump on his property,and being there was so much objection,he withdrew his <br />application fer ~:;'r.Je, as he wanted tü get ÍÅlong with his neighbor8. <br /> <br />Mr. Cliver Kuivinen of 1725 No. r.unl¡¡p was present inquiring ¡¡bout what was going <br />to be done in hi!:' are¿:¡ sli~,ing he had received a can from Hr. Krannak asking if he <br />woulè. look for another location for his home as he was contemplating an expension in <br />and near hi~ pr~sent home. l~Byor Connor faid it was just in the plQ1luing stage and he <br />could get more information later on. <br /> <br />Mr. Brown of Burke St was present asking the status on the O'Neil property. The <br />clerk WaS asked to write to them immediately, telling them to secure the necessarJT sign- <br />natures of the adjoining property owners DB every one else has to do before moving <br />into a basement home or garage, and to remove the cement blocks that. are piled in a <br />hazardous ffianner as he had promised to do. <br /> <br />Membrez moved, seconded bJT IIammersten that the O'Neils be given one week to clean <br />up his place ,remove blocks,and present plans for his proposed home,and keep the autos <br />in all orderly manner.Roll call Ayes-(,) Hayes -(0). <br /> <br />Mr. Bernard Suchy who had purchased ¡¡ lot east of .Ða1e st. north of Count~· Road B2 <br />presented the necessary pep~rs ~ld asked for per~tssion to live in a basement home, <br />and he was told of past experi~nces the Council had had with people who sold lots and <br />promised to put in ~ road. He said he wo~ld be back at a later meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Ratfield a contractor who is building homes in the Gchreibeiddition asked what <br />had to be done about furnishing a bond for the grading of the reads. He was told to <br />have Mr. BinI. get in touvh with Mr Shaw who would tell him the type bond required. <br />
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