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Attachment E <br />August 17, 2020 <br />Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission <br />Sustainability Update <br />June PWETC Public Comments <br />At the June PWETC meeting, a question was raised from a resident about how Roseville is doing <br />in terms of meeting its 2040 Comprehensive Plan goals of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. <br />Since receiving this question, Roseville has been looking into finding an answer. After some in-depth <br />research, it looks like determining a concrete comparative metric between Roseville's current GHG <br />emissions to a 2005 baseline is difficult to do. There is little data on any citywide emissions before 2015, <br />and data sources like Xcel Energy and the Metropolitan Council do not have data that far back. <br />However, a few notable things were discovered in researching this question. According to Xcel <br />Energy's Community Energy Report for Roseville in 2018, solar energy accounted for 2.10% of the City's <br />energy. Residents and businesses within Roseville are taking advantage of Xcel Energy's Solar Rewards <br />program and Solar Gardens. Citywide, there are 86 on -site solar installations, producing 410,620 <br />kilowatt hours in 2018. <br />The most up to date estimate of Roseville's GHG emissions is from 2016, with a total of 468,159 <br />tons of carbon dioxide. Though the City is currently unable to compare its current GHG emissions to its <br />2005 baseline, there is data that shows the City's emissions have gone down in recent years. In terms of <br />emissions from energy, Roseville emitted 259,584 tons of carbon dioxide in 2017. This is down from <br />289,495 tons reported in 2015, showing a decrease of about 30,000 tons of CO2. In transportation <br />emissions, Roseville does have data from 2006, with a total of 206,292 tons of CO2 emitted. In 2018, <br />these emissions dropped to 194,481 tons, a decrease of 11,000 tons. Lastly, in waste emissions, <br />Roseville emitted 13,824 tons of CO2 in 2007, and dropped to 8,120 tons in 2018, a decrease of 5,704 <br />tons. <br />While the City currently does not have enough data to compare its current emissions to the <br />2005 baseline, a potential report could be made for the future through LHB, the firm that helped the <br />City develop its 2040 Comprehensive Plan. If the City wants further research done, this could be an <br />option down the road. <br />Partners in Energy <br />At the end of July, Roseville was informed that it was chosen to take part in Xcel Energy's <br />Partners in Energy (PIE) program. This program takes place over the next two years, and works to help <br />the City develop an Energy Action Plan. Xcel Energy helps the City through training, resources, outreach, <br />and facilitation of developing an Energy Action Team and drafting of the plan. The virtual kickoff <br />meeting for the program will take place on September 2nd, from 2:30-4:30 PM. This acceptance is <br />exciting news for Roseville, as it will lead to increased energy efficiency and a reduction in energy <br />emissions with a future Energy Action Plan. <br />
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