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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
9/18/2020 11:52:08 AM
Creation date
9/18/2020 11:49:28 AM
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Public Works Commission
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Adopt -A -Drain <br />The City has also been working on expanding its Adopt -A -Drain program, which is part of a wider <br />statewide initiative started by Hamline University and the City of St. Paul. This program encourages <br />residents to commit to adopting a stormdrain in their neighborhood, and keep the drain clear by <br />sweeping up debris, salt, trash, and yard waste. The water that flows in the drains goes directly into <br />water bodies within the City, and it is important to keep these drains clear so they do not carry these <br />harmful pollutants into these waters. The City now has a webpage about the program <br />(, and is in the process of ordering signs for <br />residents who sign up. <br />Environmentally Friendly Purchasing Policy (EPPP) <br />Since June, the City has been researching its current products and supplies it routinely purchases <br />to see if they meet the standards set by the EPPP. This process is ongoing, and aims to look at a variety <br />of departments within the City. <br />Biz Recycling <br />Roseville plans on doing a mailing to all businesses within the City to encourage participation in <br />Ramsey & Washington Counties' Biz Recycling program. This program is aimed at businesses and multi- <br />unit housing developments to help with their recycling and compost procedures, giving them insights <br />and potential grant money to improve their recycling efforts. Roseville will be promoting this program <br />through a direct mailing. <br />Best Management Practices (BMP) Inspections <br />During the remainder of August, the Engineering Intern, Natalie Townsend, will be going out <br />within the City to inspect BMPs. These inspections will help the City continue its ongoing efforts of <br />managing the storm drains, and highlight any necessary repairs or updates to these BMPs to ensure they <br />are working up to their full potential. <br />City Compost Collection Feasibility <br />Since June, an initial feasibility report has been made determining how City and park buildings <br />could set up compost collection, mainly to capture food scraps and paper products from going to the <br />landfill. Additionally, documents related to running sustainable meetings and events have been created. <br />Summary <br />Roseville has had a busy summer with its sustainability efforts. Looking ahead, the City is excited <br />to get started in the PIE program, and welcome its GreenCorps member to the team in the next month. <br />
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