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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:25 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE COUKCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />continued meeting,Thur.Eve. April,l? 1952 <br /> <br />206 <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date in continued session with the following <br />members present. Carlson,Willmus,Membrez,Connor and Hammersten. <br /> <br />The same group of residents from Dellwood Ave. who were present on Tuesday appeared <br />before the Council again about their drainage problem on the strø had been agreed that <br />it would be taken care of. They were told that no drainage could be accomplished by making <br />it a city section, and wanted it clarified. They were told that the request for a survey <br />of the street had gone in and the County Surveyor would make a report onb1i findings as <br />soon as it was completed. They asked for same immediate relief by filling in the ditches, <br />while the survey was being made. <br />Membrez moved,seconded by Hammersten that Joe Koalska put in some fill for about 200 ft. <br />and lower two culverts,providing that the water would run north in its natural flow. <br />Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Carlson that the County Engineer make a survey of Dellwood <br />Ave. from Co.Rd.B to T.H.36 and give us an opinion on whether this stretch of road could <br />be made into a city section. Roll lIall Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />A group of residents from Laurie Road appeared again about the water problem they had <br />and about the Village taking over the road, they were of the opinion that in accepting the <br />plat , we accepted the roads. Mr. Wewers said JAr Markham was going over the road in the <br />morning and shape them up and put on more gravel if necessary. <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Hammersten that we take over the rest of Laurie Road. Roll <br />call Ayes-(5) N~es-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Keller and Maher inquired about the roads in Dellwood Heights.Mr. Maher said he <br />would be willing to contribute $200.00 toward some crushed rock to put on the roads if it <br />would help any. <br /> <br />Geo Reiling was present to discuss the water problem with the Council. He is willing <br />to run service across lexington on the north side of Co. Rd. C just north of the building <br />and make a service connection for $500.00 and would waive any charges for water service <br />for Fire Dept. or Village in lieu of waving the taxes on the water department property. He <br />was told we would have to get an opinion from the attorney on it before making a commitment <br /> <br />Mr. Frank Armstrong who was invited to the meeting to discuss the Snelling Ave drainage <br />case coming up for a hearing on April 21. In 1950 he quoted a price on a 30" pipe but <br />since then everything has gone up, and ever~hing that could be drained into Robinson Lake <br />would require a 36" his original stkvey. The plan under consideration now is a <br />35,000 project for pipe and labor alone, with Engineering fees and other incidentals the <br />cost would run over $ 40,000. He suggested that we secure costs of 30in. pipe and 36in. <br />pipe and cost of laying it. We then would have some information to add to the discussion <br />when it comes up before the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> <br />Mr. Furstenburg 1301 Burke AVe. was present to tell of the condition of his street <br />just east of needed some fill and dragging. He and several neighbors rode a <br />large oak beam up and down the road to knock off the bumps, which they felt was not their <br />job. <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Connor that the County Engineers Dept. check the established <br />grade on Burke Ave. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Carlson that we erect a street sign at Burke and Hamline <br />and a Dead End Road sign at the same intersection. Roll call Ayes-(S) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Willmus that street signs be erected at Capitol View <br />and Western Ave and Capitol View and )I1nnesota Ave. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Liedholm of Cleveland Ave. complained about a neighbor around the corner on <br />Roselawn running the overflow from their ceJll'pool onto his property. Membrez moved, <br />seconded by Hammersten that the matter be refered to the Health Dept,and the person <br />
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