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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
11/20/2020 1:40:49 PM
Creation date
11/20/2020 1:38:45 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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73 Chair Wozniak wondered if any Commission Members were able to attend that <br />74 meeting because he was not able to make the meeting. He noted it would be a <br />75 virtual meeting. He encouraged any members that are able to attend the meeting at <br />76 that time to do so and to report back to the Commission. <br />77 <br />78 Member Joyce indicated he can go to the meeting. <br />79 <br />80 Chair Wozniak indicated he received via email a question about water reclamation <br />81 for sidewalk washing at Walmart. He believed staff was copied on the email and <br />82 assumed the email was answered. <br />83 <br />84 Mr. Culver thought people get confused about emailing the Public Works <br />85 Department and the Commission. He indicated staff did respond to this email. <br />86 <br />87 Mr. Freihammer reviewed staff response to the email. <br />88 <br />89 Chair Wozniak asked if anything came up at last night's City Council meeting <br />90 regarding the Civic Campus Master Plan. <br />91 <br />92 Mr. Culver indicated there was a nice conversation about it. He noted there will be <br />93 a detailed presentation of the Campus Master Plan in October. He reviewed the <br />94 City Council discussion with the Commission. <br />95 <br />96 Chair Wozniak wondered if the sustainability update was included as a point of <br />97 information or would Commissioners like to talk about this or have questions about <br />98 it. He explained there was something in the report about City compost collection <br />99 and looking at collecting paper products in addition to food scraps and it seems that <br />100 from a County standpoint it is kind of moving away from paper products and other <br />101 compostable because of a concern about stuff the County does not want in the <br />102 compost and confusion on the part of consumers who may not know the difference <br />103 between compostable items. There was also something in the report about the <br />104 Green Corp. Member starting. <br />105 <br />106 Mr. Culver explained the Green Corp. Member started on September 21" and is set <br />107 up to work from home. This will be a dedicated resource for the City for the next <br />108 eleven plus months. He has already started on the benchmarking program with the <br />109 businesses. <br />110 <br />111 Environmental Specialist Ryan Johnson reviewed the responsibilities of the Green <br />112 Corp. Member with the Commission. <br />113 <br />114 5. Partners in Energy Update <br />115 Environmental Specialist Ryan Johnson indicated in late July the City was <br />116 informed that its application to participate in Xcel Energy's Partners in Energy <br />117 (PiE) Program was approved. <br />118 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />
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