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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
1/29/2021 4:05:05 PM
Creation date
1/29/2021 4:04:48 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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orientation does lend itself to abetter sustainable, net zero type of approach and she <br />hoped that does come forward and rise up in some of the discussion. <br />Chair Wozniak asked if there was any intent of trying to work in an COVID related <br />impacts or potential longterm effects of COVID into the final presentation, in terms <br />of does the City need a license center as big as the current plan given that people <br />may be doing more online activity rather than coming into the site. <br />Mr. Culver thought that was a good point and staff has done some additional <br />surveys with department heads as far as staffing levels and how many people will <br />be working at home or need to be at the office. <br />Chair Wozniak thought Mr. Culver was making a case that more storage space was <br />needed but $60,000 a year does not seem all that much to pay for additional space <br />as compared to some of the costs for a new complex. <br />Mr. Culver appreciated the comment. On the one hand $60,000 over five years is <br />$300,000 and is still a long ways from three million dollars but the buildings the <br />City already has, some are already extremely old and trying to make them energy <br />efficient and sustainable is limited and the buildings will need investment in the <br />future as well. There are also general inefficiencies on how the areas are set up for <br />example there is not a wash bay. All of the inefficiencies help justify this in staffs <br />mind. <br />7. County Road B2 at Lexington Ave Intersection Improvements <br />Mr. Freihammer introduced the County Road B2 at Lexington Avenue Intersection <br />Improvements project and noted Mr. DJ Sosa would be making a presentation. <br />Mr. DJ Sosa made a presentation to the Commission on behalf of Ramsey County. <br />Member Spencer asked what the main reason is to change this. Is it just to alleviate <br />the traffic coming from the High School and how does it impact the neighborhood <br />there overall. <br />Mr. Sosa explained it is not justthe traffic comingthe school but also traffic coming <br />from County Road B2 to Lexington to Hwy 36 and vice versa at night-time. The <br />additional turn lane will help to add capacity at the intersection and help to move <br />the traffic. <br />Mr. Culver explained County Road B2 and County Road B are alternate corridors <br />when Lexington backs up and the lack of turn lanes there really causes as significant <br />amount of congestion on County Road B2 at Lexington. There are also some safety <br />issues aswell. The funds that are being used are actually the HSIP (Highway Safety <br />Improvement Program) funds. This is a needed improvement and impacts the <br />residents adjacent to the intersection. <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />
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