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<br />Continued Page 2. <br /> <br />2 rt 9 <br /> <br />Membrez moved, Connor seconded, that the matter of remodeling the Old <br />Village Hall b~ referred to Park, Piayground and Public Building Committee. <br />Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The Commit tee on Publ i c Works had no report on trucks but woul d have <br />a report at the next meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Chas. Krause CAme in with a plat of his property, asking that a small <br />portion be rezoned for business as a young dentist wanted to locate on ~~s <br />corner on County Road "B" just west of Lexington. He was given an applica.tion <br />and asked to get the signatures necessary and get back before the meeting <br />ended, and we would set a date for the hearing. <br /> <br />Wes Chandler, Chairman of Town Board of Hounds View, appeared before the <br />CouncH telling of two trailers that had been in Mounds View and have now <br />moved into Rosevtlle, and asked our cooperation in having them removed from <br />the area. A verbal œrmit wn.s given t he occupants of the trailer for 90 dRYS. <br />A regular building pemit sÌ1.o1.ùd have been issued them. Mr. Schmidt said he <br />had given them a permit for 90 days. <br /> <br />Connor moved, seconded by l.~embrez, that these people be given a wri tten <br />permit for 90 days, expiring on April 6th, and it w111 not be renewed as of <br />that date, and other people who are more or less living in trailers now be <br />notified a.ccordingly. Roll call A,yes-(5) l1aye!'\-(O). <br /> <br />Membrez moved, seconded by Hammersten, that the attorney draw up an <br />ordinance amending the building code governing trailers within the Village. <br />Boll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Syverson of Diebold Company appeared before the Council regarding some <br />small safes for our liquor stores, telling of some of the recent stickups <br />close by Roseville, Kramm's of Lexington and Co. Rd. B, being one of them. <br />These safes have an inner safe where change could be held and reached by the <br />clerks. Membrez moved, seconded by Connor, that the matter be referred to the <br />Finance Committee and report at a later meeting. Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Mayor Connor reported on the Liquor stores, saying we would no longer need <br />the warehouse space on Dale and Larpsnteur. and it should be sublet. An <br />inventory had been made recently and some members felt it would not be necessary <br />to a physical inventory each month. The I!ayor felt an inventory each <br />qUr~rter would be sufficient. It was suggested the Finance Committee meet with <br />Mr. Taylor in ~Ir. Karon's office. <br /> <br />Mayor Connor s-uggested th:->ct we secure a YOlmg mrm not over 45 as ma.nager <br />of the Liouor store, somAone who is a good uromotion man. <br /> <br />Membrez moved, C~rlson seconded, that Fire Maintenance and Fire Equipment <br />accounts be consolidated and called Fire Protection Fund effective Jan. l, 1953. <br />Roll call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />Leinen presented hi s Treasurers report giving the balances in each fund. <br />