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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
6/24/2021 10:51:54 AM
Creation date
6/24/2021 10:51:38 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Mr. Culver noted staff has not talked to the other two contractors on why proposals <br />were not submitted. He noted there were four contractors at the meeting but only <br />two companies submitted proposals. Staff was speculating on this, but he thought <br />the reason is because the contractors felt they could not submit a competitive <br />proposal given the advantage that the existing contractor may have with the carts <br />on the street. <br />Vice Chair Ficek thought if there was additional information, other cities that have <br />gone that route and the benefits, he would want to see more data. He indicated he <br />was not opposed to that but based on what the Commission has seen so far, he did <br />not see an inherent advantage. <br />Chair Wozniak agreed that City -owned carts would give the City an advantage to <br />lure more vendors to provide service. This may also provide more competitive <br />pricing. <br />Member Misra indicated on this particular front, her support for conservation, she <br />did not see why City -owned carts would give them a huge advantage. This is <br />speculation and remains to be seen. She continues to have the issue she had before <br />which is more stuff is kind of antithetical to the idea of recycling. She would love <br />to think that in a few years when this discussion comes up again, that the City will <br />have reduced its waste streams and they will not even be talking about as much <br />commodity as they are talking about now. She thought that is the only sustainable <br />way around this question. She would not be in favor of City -owned carts. <br />8. Items for Next Meeting — June 22, 2021 <br />Discussion ensued regarding the June PWETC agenda: <br />• MS4 Annual Report and Public Hearing <br />• Preparation for Joint City Council meeting on July 19, 2021. <br />Member Ficek stated he would like to get an update from staff on how the lower <br />speed limit is going in St. Paul and Minneapolis. <br />9. Adjourn <br />Motion <br />Member Misra moved, Member Ficek seconded, adjournment of the meeting <br />at approximately 9:11 p.m. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Page 10 of 10 <br />
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