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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />¡, <br /> <br />96 <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Cóntinued Meeting Thurs. Evening Feb. 19, 1953 at 8:00 P.M. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date as a continuation of the regular <br />meeting Ttwsda~r Februar~r 17th ¡ri th the following meflbers present: Carlson, Willmu5, <br />Membrez, Connor and Hmmnersten. <br /> <br />M~ror Connor called the meeting to order at 8: 10 P. M. and asked if anyone <br />wanted to be heard on the matter of application of Allied stores for rezoning <br />Highway 36 and Snelling. <br /> <br />Mr. Whipple representing a group in Bolstad Add. said they were violently <br />protesting the 15 ft. strip in the rear of the property and were denanding <br />150 ft. strip. <br /> <br />Mr. H&.nm1ond of Westmore spoke for his group saying they wanted 130 ft. on <br />the north as well as 130 on the west, and said that was the understanding at the <br />original meeting but no member of the council remembered ælY such conversation <br />and knew nothing of the matter until the petition was presented by Mr. Heimbach <br />on Tuesday February 17th. <br /> <br />Mr. Franke said ,the group had two areas in mind, both on the west and north, <br />and wanted part of it zoned to residential rather than business on the north side <br />of Westmore Aâd. <br /> <br />Membrez told of the meetings held before the Paper Calmenson Company and the <br />Great Lakes Pipe Line Company rezonings, and there was a lot of opposition, but <br />throuch the years the plants were built and have brought a lot of valuation into <br />the Village as well as a good payroll. <br /> <br />Mr. Hammond said his group has held several m~etings and the people did not <br />liigree on everything, but they all felt the project was a good one and were happy <br />about it. But they wanted some protection by a buffer strip. <br /> <br />Mr. Whipple said the Bolstad Add. group, of which he was the spokesman in <br />the absence of Mr. Allen, were in favor of the project but wanted more of a <br />buffer strip than 15 ft. plus the road west of their area. <br /> <br />Melllbrez explained the increased tax rate for this yoar and how the mill rate <br />was more this year becauee of the school program, so indust~r was needed to p~ <br />the freight. The Great Lakes Pipe Line and Paper Calmenson were an asset to <br />the cOI!1li'nlnity, and they were on county and state roads which did not cost the <br />Village anything. for maintenance purposes. <br /> <br />Mr. Hammond said they were not asking for too much as it was space for <br />only 14 homes and eventually a street. <br /> <br />Mr. Franke said he remembered Mr. Tro~r sa~ling the Allied stores bought the <br />area on the south to keep out other stores and felt when their project was built, <br />they woulà sell the area to someone which would cut their costs down. <br /> <br />Mr. ~lipple asked if their request of a buffer strip of more than 15 ft. <br />would be given consideration. Mayor Connor went to the IIap and said no roads <br />would be built close to ~heir homes according to what he was told by Mr. Troy. <br />
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