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<br />Continued Page 2 <br /> <br />~; ~ 7 <br /> <br />The group were tolù we would present their proposals to the Allied stores <br />and a final he¡,¡.ring would be helò Tuesday March 17th at 2 P.M. <br /> <br />Membrez explained the tax structure to the group and the various mill <br />rates - Villace, County and state and that eo mills of the 128 goes to schools, <br />and the Council was concerned about the welfare of the people. 11.26 is all the <br />Village gets out of 128 mills to run the Village on. The local tax and county <br />tax has come down, and the increase on the tax statement this year was due to the <br />school bond issue. <br /> <br />Mr. Franke asked if th~ Council knew what would happen if this area was not <br />rezoned. If they would sEÙl out to competitors or would a group of buiJ.Jiers <br />come in and build homes. He felt Allied stores haò ~nough I:1oney invest~o that <br />we could bargain with them, md the few extra feet th~y are asking for buffer <br />strips could be granted, as they would not want to get in bS.d with the people <br />of the community who would bo their customers. <br /> <br />WillIlus mention~d that two other areas were considered and one was in <br />Mounds View on T.H. 8 and T.H. 10 so if we turn this down, they would probably <br />move farther out to another location. <br />l <br /> <br />The Clerk asked Mr. Bolstad if he felt tile project would devaluate the homes <br />he has built as he had just taken out another $100.00 worth of permits for five <br /> He éillswered that he was all for it and felt it would be an asset. <br /> <br />Hamaersten moved and Willmus seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Roll <br />call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />¿: , <br />/ ,'./. ..;·c'·:ì,. <br />.. v i <br /> <br />I) ;,)7' <br /> <br />{.. r' ,-'V) Y7-/)1 <br />.......". .. J I,' I _I' ......, ,1'/ <br /> <br />Mayor <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Clerk <br />