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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:45:39 AM
Creation date
2/1/2005 5:51:31 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />Continued Page 2. <br /> <br />:3 05 <br /> <br />The Clerk read the petition of Chandler-Wilbert Vault Company £01' a change <br />in set-back on the SE corner of Hamline and T.H. 36, and the recommendation of <br />the Zoning Board. Membrez moved, seconded by Haruaersten, that the petition be <br />granted. Roll call ~yes-(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The Clerk read the supplementary petition of the Midwest Realty Company fer <br />rezoning the NN corner of T.H. 36 and Snelling Ave. and the report of the Zoning <br />Board with thE3 recoIIUII.ended changes. <br /> <br />Mr. D. B. Offerman, spokesman for the group in the Bolstad Addition, wanted <br />to know if additional width on the west side of Fry st. was being considered. <br />He felt that inasmuch as Midwest had so much property, an additional width could I!' <br />be added as a buffer strip and felt it would not hani the project in any way. <br /> <br />Mr. Hammond of Vlestruoor Addition said they would stick b;l their guns and I.. <br />tontinue to ask for 130 ft. on the north and 130 ft. on the west and expect to <br />receive it. They have compromised on the matter mld felt the Allied stores would <br />profi t on the deal. Mr. Hammond said when he purchased his property he saw a plat <br />that had been recordàd which showed a 60 ft. strip for road purposes, but maps on <br />hand in the office do not show such a dedicated road. <br /> <br />William Mueller, former mayor, spoke mld said he was opposed to the location <br />of the Golden Rule on this site and felt it sÌlould be established in some other <br />part of the Village. He felt the people of Westmoor were justified in askmg that <br />they be protected. He did not think it wise to have all the noise and lights that <br />would accompany a project of thin kind. <br /> <br />Mayor Connor said we should confine our reraarks to the matter at hand and a <br />Village needed a project of this kind. He quoted Mr. Graham, engineer and designer <br />of the proposed project, as saying that a street may go down the center of the <br />project. <br /> <br />Mr. Heimbach said t hat as long as the Allied stores ha.d no plans for the area <br />south of T.H. 36, it should be left as is, mld give the people in that area the <br />130 ft. strip on the west mld north as requested. <br /> <br />Mr. Hammond said if they were not to get any protectiDn they would <br />take legal action and would tie up the whole project and wanted to know why <br />representatives of the Allied stores were not present at the hearings. <br /> <br />Mayor Connor said we could not take the peoples property away from tile. and <br />the Allied Stor~:s would have to be considered also, and they would have to be <br />contacted regarding the recommendations that were being submitted in the discussions <br />today. A project of this kind is needed in all municipalities and we should be <br />happy to get it as it would help the tax structure a lot. <br /> <br />Membrez felt the Council could enter into an agreement with the Allied Stores <br />that no road would be constructed on the south side of the 75 ft. buffer strip in <br />the Bolstad Addition. <br /> <br />Mr. Offeraan thought we should also request 75 ft. west of Fry St. from the <br />center of the road. <br /> <br />Membrez said we would have to sit down with the Allied Stores and go over the <br />matter with them, as the petition did not include the things the people affected <br />were asking for. <br />
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