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Communications Dept. Garry has been instrumental in helping solidify a <br />Communications Plan so the City can promote the plan and help build momentum to <br />start achieving our goals. As part of the communications component, the Partners in <br />Energy page( will be updated in the <br />near future to add new information and provide additional resources to interested <br />property owners. Internally, staff have started to gather data on Energy Burdened <br />households in the City; next, staff will analyze the data to determine some feasible <br />actions moving forward. Once the data is analyzed, staff will reach out to the Energy <br />Action Team to set up a meeting to discuss the findings and decide the best course <br />forward on reaching the energy burdened properties. <br />Major Maintenance Activities: <br />• Street and Storm <br />o Ongoing crack sealing. Completed the 2nd week of crack sealing. <br />o Reclaimed and paved 3100' of pathway on Cleveland Ave. <br />o Completed street message painting. <br />o Completed leveling fill material at future Park at C2 and Lexington. <br />o Started concrete sidewalk panel replacements and trip hazard grinding. <br />o Bagged boulevard trees for watering on County C. <br />o Ongoing streetscape maintenance. <br />o Ongoing sign work. <br />o Ongoing asphalt patching. <br />o Ongoing catch basin repairs. <br />• Water and Sanitary Sewer <br />o Continued flushing and inspecting public fire hydrants. <br />o Assisted contractors with four flow tests. <br />o Continued repairing water meters and MIUs. <br />o Continuing the process of collecting water service data and upgrading water meters and <br />MIUs in park buildings. <br />o Collected water samples for bacteriological and Disinfection By -Product testing. <br />o Continued with our annual valve exercising program (12" and larger). <br />o Continued the Sanitary Sewer Cleaning Program for 2021. <br />o Continued working with engineering staff and the contractor on the Cleveland Avenue <br />Water Main Project, The Enclave at McCarron's Lake and the 2021 PMP. Staff has <br />also worked with MnDOT and their contractor on the 16" water main replacement <br />under the 35W Bridge over County Road C. <br />o Continued working with AE2S on the 2021 SCADA System Upgrades. <br />o Completed the 2021 City Hall Painting Project. <br />o Continued laundering towels weekly used by office personnel for cleaning work areas. <br />o Repaired pump 4 at the Booster Station. <br />o Repaired one broken water main. <br />o Attended OSHA training on Powered Industrial Trucks (Forklifts). <br />Attachments: <br />A: 2021 Roseville Project Map <br />B: 2021 PMP Phasing Map <br />C: July Development Activity Report <br />